UNC Research Overall Stats
- 11th in Federal Research Expenditures Nationally
- 12th in Overall Research Expenditures Nationally
- $1.21B in Total Research Awards FY24
in Federal Research Expenditures Nationally
in Overall Research Expenditures Nationally
in Total Research Awards FY24
UNC Researchʼs Impact on Durham County
- 360 Undergraduate Students Will Participate in Research Activity (FY24)
- 657 Research Projects (FY24)
- 1943 Residents Employed by UNC Research (FY24)
Undergraduate Students Will Participate in Research Activity
Research Projects
Residents Employed by UNC Research
Projects Benefitting Durham County
- The North Carolina Men’s Health Report Card draws from numerous sources to provide a comprehensive overview of the health landscape for men across the state.
- A research project with the Frank Porter Graham Child Development institute is investigating the relationships among housing stability, health, and climate change vulnerability.
- With funding from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, researchers with the UNC Carolina Population Center conduct a decades-long study of 20,000+ people to examine social, behavioral, and biological linkages across the course of a life.
- Funded by the National Institutes of Health, the UNC Center for AIDS Research provides infrastructure to support investigation of the HIV/AIDS epidemic using clinical and behavioral research, research into HIV biology and pathogenesis, and educational outreach.
- The UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, with funding from N.C. Department of Public Instruction, provides early learning communities with professional development and technical assistance to support preschool children with disabilities and their families.
Drug-checking project cuts overdoses
Supported by the N.C. Collaboratory, epidemiologist Nabarun Dasgupta and his team analyze street drugs and alert communities about dangers
Dream: Diverse and Resilient Educators Advised through Mentorship
The Diverse and Resilient Educators Advised through Mentorship teacher residency program — is a collaboration between the UNC School of Education and Durham Public Schools (DPS) to recruit, train, and support highly effective, responsive, transformative, and committed educators to serve the diverse DPS student population. Made possible by a $4.8 million U.S. Department of Education grant, DREAM prepares participating MAT students and provides them with three years of unique on-the-job guided mentorship to help ensure an effective and meaningful career as a DPS educator.
UNC research team awarded $1.5 million NASA grant to explore disparities and solutions to urban heat stress and climate justice in U.S.
A new $1.5 million grant from NASA will allow an interdisciplinary team of researchers, led by Angel Hsu an assistant professor of public policy and director of the Data-Driven EnviroLab (DDL) at the UNC Institute for the Environment, to harness the power of satellite remote sensing data, community-collected temperature data and machine learning to evaluate disparities in heat stress from environmental and climate injustices across the U.S.
Outreach manager protects NC families
Center for Public Engagement with Science works with the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services’ Children’s Environmental Health Unit to develop trainings and educational resources. The group helps NCDHHS share these resources and also makes sure public health professionals and/or nonprofits with a health mission have access to them.
Addressing Pandemic Problems
While COVID-19 has shaken the world, it has also pushed society to be more innovative and creative — two attributes that have been essential to the success of researchers at UNC. Carolina students, faculty, and staff are engaged in an abundance of projects, making UNC the most cited university in the nation for coronavirus research.