A-Z List
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
African Studies Center (ASC)
The staff and programs of the African Studies Center work to provide the University and the people of North Carolina with a campus hub for interdisciplinary inquiry and communication on Africa, including the sponsorship of a wide variety of activities that bring together interested faculty and students from a large number of academic disciplines, focusing on the interconnected issues of democratization, development, health, and gender.
American Indian Center (AIC)
The mission of the American Indian Center is to bridge the richness of North Carolina’s American Indian cultures with the strengths of Carolina’s research, education, and teaching.
Ancient World Mapping Center (AWMC)
The Ancient World Mapping Center promotes cartography, historical geography and geographic information science as essential disciplines within the field of ancient studies through innovative and collaborative research, teaching, and community outreach activities.
Animal Clinical Chemistry and Gene Expression Laboratories
The Animal Clinical Laboratory Core Facility can assist research investigators who would greatly benefit from availability of service (on a cost-per-test basis) that replicates for animals the laboratory tests that are routine for humans.
Animal Histopathology Core Facility (Mice)
This facility provides services in routine histology, namely processing, embedding, sectioning (paraffin and frozen), H&E and special stains.
Animal Models Core (Transgenic and Knockout Mice) (AMC)
The UNC Animal Models Core Facility was established to provide mouse genetic modification services, reagents and related technologies.
Animal Studies Core
This facility provides services in animal studies including orthotopic injections, laboratory coordinator services, tumor passage, tissue/blood collection, injections, colony management, aseptic surgery, drug dosing/oral gavage, intra-cardiac injections, IVIS imaging, animal identification, and protocol assistance.
Asian American Center (AAC)
The Asian American Center’s mission is to cultivate a critical understanding of Asian American peoples, cultures, and histories.
Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy Core Facility
Atomic Absorption Spectrometry is used to determine the concentration of metals and metalloids in biological or environmental samples.
Baity Air Engineering Laboratory
Research work under way in Baity Laboratory focuses on sources of airborne contaminants, methods to measure contaminant concentrations, and engineering methods for contaminant control.
Beacon Child and Family Program
The University of North Carolina (UNC) Hospitals Beacon Child and Family Program provides comprehensive, coordinated care to UNC Health Care System’s patients, families, and employees experiencing a variety of family violence.
BeAM Design Center
The BeAM Design Center @ Rosenau is a unique resource for design and fabrication assistance located in Rosenau Hall at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Our mission is to facilitate and complement research of all types by providing engineering consultation, design, fabrication, assembly, and select repair services in a wide range of disciplines.
Behavioral Institutional Review Board (Behavioral IRB)
Reviews research in psychology, child development, education, anthropology, information and library science, social work, journalism, and many other disciplines under Academic Affairs, including the College of Arts and Sciences.
Biological Safety Section
Biomarker Mass Spectrometry Facility
We provide analyses of peptides, nucleic acids, and metabolites known as potential biomarkers for a wide range of diseases. We offer qualitative and quantitative determination of metals for environmental analyses and health concerns.
Biomedical Institutional Review Board (Biomedical IRB)
Reviews research involving School of Medicine, School of Pharmacy, UNC Hospitals, and research in other units that involves biomedical interventions.
Biomedical Research Imaging Center (BRIC)
The mission of the Biomedical Research Imaging Center is to serve the imaging needs of the researchers of the University, and to advance the rapidly developing science of biomedical imaging.
Biomedical Research Imaging Center: Human Imaging Services (BRIC)
The Siemens Magnetom TIM Trio is a 3T MRI whole body scanner available for use in both human and animal studies.
Biomedical Research Imaging Center: Image Analysis Core (BRIC)
The image analysis core in BRIC serves to develop new tools for image analysis and to support the image storage and analysis needs of scientists who use the BRIC facilities.
Biomedical Research Imaging Center: Small Animal Imaging Facility (BRIC)
The Bruker 9.4T horizontal bore scanner is a dedicated system for small animal studies.
Biomolecular NMR Laboratory
The UNC Biomolecular NMR Laboratory was created to support research into the structure and dynamics of biological molecules.
Biospecimen Processing Facility (BSP)
Our mission: to provide a centralized, cost-effective UNC facility to process biospecimens from population, clinical, and other studies; an emphasis on DNA isolation but will also provide blood product separation, and other specimen processing (not tumor tissue); facilitate establishment of UNC-wide DNA Bank.
Blood Research Center
The UNC Blood Research Center (BRC) was established to promote interdisciplinary research in non-malignant blood disorders across UNC.
Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies (BCAS)
Our mission is to conduct, coordinate, and promote basic and clinical research on the causes, prevention, and treatment of alcoholism and alcoholic disease.
Carolina Asia Center (CAC)
The CAC has three core activities: cutting-edge research; innovative teaching; and the development of strategic partnerships. The CAC works with partner organizations to coordinate Carolina’s broad Asian studies agenda, facilitating multidisciplinary approaches to Asian Studies, embedding Asian languages and area studies in the curriculum, and enhancing the Carolina student’s experience of Asia.
Carolina Breastfeeding Institute (CGBI)
Our mission is to create an enabling environment, at the community, state, national and global levels, in which every mother is supported to achieve optimal infant and young child feeding and care, and every child achieves its full potential through the best start on life.
Carolina Center for Jewish Studies (CCJS)
The Carolina Center for Jewish Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill unites the general public, students and faculty from various academic disciplines who share a common passion for a deeper understanding of Jewish history, culture and thought.
Carolina Center of Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence (C-CCNE)
C-CCNE focuses on improving cancer disease control and management with exciting new and cutting edge nanotechnologies to enhance treatment and early detection of cancer.
Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities (CIDD)
The Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities is a comprehensive program for services, research, and training relevant to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families., the Carolina Institute provides a continuum of clinical services from complex, interdisciplinary evaluations on-site to more limited and selected clinical services and training in all 100 counties in North Carolina.
Carolina North (CN)
Carolina North will be a world-class magnet to attract the best and brightest to North Carolina, one that will create tremendous economic benefit for the state. This campus will promote a synergy among research, business, science, law and technology that will in turn produce new ideas, products and jobs.
Carolina Population Center (CPC)
The Carolina Population Center is a community of scholars and professionals collaborating on interdisciplinary research and methods that advance understanding of population issues.
Carolina Survey Research Laboratory (CSRL)
As a part of the Biostatistics Department at the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, the CSRL strives to support and improve the quality of population-based research.
Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research (Sheps)
The Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research seeks to improve the health of individuals, families, and populations by understanding the problems, issues and alternatives in the design and delivery of health care services.
Cell and Developmental Biology Microscopy Imaging Facility
The Department of Cell & Developmental Biology Imaging Facility is a research facility whose primary purpose is to provide Departmental members with state of the art confocal and 2-photon laser-scanning microscopy along with high resolution light microscopy.
Cellular Metabolism and Trasport Core
The Core develops new experimental methodolgies, based on organ perfusion technologies, that can be applied to experimentation typically required for drug development and evaluation.
Center for Aging and Health (Division of Geriatric Medicine) (CAH)
From providing patient care to finding ways to bring evidence-based research and training to improving clinical care, our faculty, clinicians, researchers, and educators all work to improve the quality of life for our aging population—that’s why we are the Center for Aging and Health.
Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)
The purpose of the UNC CFAR is to provide infrastructure to support investigation of the HIV/AIDS epidemic using clinical research, behavioral research, research into HIV biology and pathogenesis at the molecular level, and educational outreach.
Center for Bioethics
The Center for Bioethics facilitates research, education and consultation on ethical issues in biomedical research and health care. The center is sponsored by the School of Medicine and includes faculty from, and partnerships with, programs across the University and the UNC Health system.
The Center for Bioethics facilitates research, education and consultation on ethical issues in biomedical research and health care. The center is sponsored by the School of Medicine and includes faculty from, and partnerships with, programs across the University and the UNC Health system.
Center for Bioinformatics
The staff at the Center for Bioinformatics promote the use of computational tools for molecular biology, genetics, protein chemistry, and biochemistry research at the University of North Carolina.
Center for Climate, Energy, Environment, and Economics (CE3)
The UNC School of Law Center for Climate, Energy, Environment and Economics (CE3) exists to provide advanced student education and policy and legal examination of issues surrounding the law of climate, energy, environment, and economic development, with particular attention to the intersection of these issues.
Center for Decision Research (C4DR)
The UNC Behavioral Lab was founded in 2005 to help support and promote research on judgment and decision making, as well as other work related to individual, group and organizational phenomena.
Center for Environmental Health and Susceptibility (CEHS)
The Center for Environmental Health and Susceptibility in the UNC-Chapel Hill Gillings School of Global Public Health promotes state-of-the-art research on environmental health and translates that Center research to help reduce the burden of environmentally related disease.
Center for Environmental Medicine, Asthma, and Lung Biology (CEMALB)
The Center for Environmental Medicine, Asthma and Lung Biology (CEMALB) is broadly concerned with environmental impacts on human health and on cardiopulmonary health in particular.
Center for European Studies (CES)
Our mission is to advance understanding of the social, political, and economic events that shape contemporary Europe, in particular the European integration project.
Center for Functional GI & Motility Disorders (FGIDC)
Our mission is to advance the biopsychosocial understanding and treatment of functional gastrointestinal and motility disorders through an integrated approach to patient care, research, training and education.
Center for Galapagos Studies (CGS)
To address the current challenges facing the Galapagos Islands such as population growth, resource conflict, and economic development, a collaborative partnership has been created between the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA and the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador. The partnership is designed to foster research, education, and outreach programs in the islands, with the larger goals of advancing conservation efforts in the Galapagos and promoting better understanding of ecologically sensitive and protected areas worldwide.
Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease (CGIBD)
The mission of the CGIBD is to promote and enhance multidisciplinary digestive disease research.
Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease: Gnobiotic Core (CGIBD)
Our mission is to support animal model and basic research projects of CGIBD investigators and of scientists nationwide.
Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease: Histology Core (CGIBD)
The Cell Services & Histology Core provides a full range of histology services, encompassing routine and specialized grossing, tissue processing, paraffin embedding, microtomy, H&E and special staining, and immunohistochemistry.
Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease: Immunotechnologies Core (CGIBD)
The IT Core provides quantitative and qualitative methods for studying proteins, peptides, and other small molecules that play a role in the normal and pathological activities of the digestive organs.
Center for Genomics and Society
The Center for Genomics and Society aims to: conduct integrated research on ELSI issues raised by large-scale genomic studies; use ELSI expertise to inform genomic research and policy; provide training, education and outreach, particularly focused on underrepresented minorities, to foster continued ELSI research on large-scale genomics that is informed by diverse perspectives.
Center for Global Initiatives (CGI)
The Center for Global Initiatives is a catalyst for the innovative work of faculty and students at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. It is entrepreneurial and nimble in its approach to fostering initiatives that deepen knowledge and understanding of our complex world.
Center for Health Equity Research (CHER)
The mission of the Center for Health Equity Research is to authentically partner with communities for innovative health equity research, practice and education.
The mission of the Center for Health Equity Research is to authentically partner with communities for innovative health equity research, practice and education.
Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (HPDP)
The UNC Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention addresses pressing health problems by collaborating with communities to conduct research, provide training, and translate research findings into policy and practice. The Center seeks to reduce health disparities through an emphasis on community-engaged research.
Center for Heart and Vascular Care
Our center encompasses all clinical care of patients with cardiovascular diseases.
Center for Human Movement Science
The Center for Human Movement Science studies three-dimensional kinematic and kinetic data and muscle activities of human movements through statistical analyses or biomechanical modeling as well as the interactions between neuromuscular controls of human movements and a variety of external environments.
Center for Innovation in Health Disparities Research
Through their research, faculty seek to understand and eliminate health disparities in those populations that bear the greatest burden of illness: the poor, African Americans, Latinos, and those living in rural areas
Center for Integrating Research and Action (CIRA)
Collaborations for Integrating Research and Action (CIRA) at the University of North Carolina –Chapel Hill is an initiative bringing together university-based researchers with community-based leaders to collaborate on producing research/action projects to advance sustainable development and community well-being and social justice in North Carolina and beyond.
Center for Integrative Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery
The Center for Integrative Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery was created with the mission of bringing dedicated medicinal chemistry expertise to bear on biological targets of therapeutic relevance under investigation by UNC faculty.
Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER)
The Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) helps students, educators and companies develop the tools to build critical trust and business across boundaries.
Center for Maternal and Infant Health (CMIH)
Our goal is to improve the health of North Carolina’s women and infants.
Center for Medication Optimization through Practice and Policy
Delivering high-value, effective therapies and clinical services continues to be a transcending challenge confronting the U.S. health-care system. The Center for Medication Optimization through Practice and Policy at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy strives to offer a solution to this problem.
Center for Middle East and Islamic Studies (CMEIS)
The Center for Middle East and Islamic Studies promotes understanding of the Middle East through teaching, research, and community outreach.
Center for Nanotechnology in Drug Delivery (CNDD)
Our focus in the CNDD is to safely and effectively translate new drug and imaging discoveries into clinical trials using nanotechnology with the goal to improve human health.
Center for Research on Chronic Illness (CRCI)
Faculty are known for their strong programs of research on the prevention and management of chronic illness.
Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies (CSEEES)
The Center for Slavic, Eurasian and East European Studies (CSEEES) at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill fosters a comprehensive knowledge of the histories, cultures, languages and institutions of this important and rapidly changing region.
Center for Structural Biology (CSB)
The Center for Structural Biology is an integrated platform of expertise, education, and infrastructure for making structural biology available as a tool to the general researcher.
Center for the Study of Retired Athletes (CSRA)
The Center for the Study of Retired Athletes at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) is investigating the spectrum of physical and mental challenges that retired athletes face.
Center for the Study of the American South (CSAS)
The Center for the Study of the American South extends the historic role of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as the world’s premier institution for research, teaching, and public dialogue on the history, culture, and contemporary experience of the southern United States.
Center for Urban and Regional Studies (CURS)
The Center’s mission is to promote and support within UNC-Chapel Hill, high-quality basic and applied research on urban, regional and rural planning and policy issues.
Center for Women’s Health Research (CWHR)
The Center for Women’s Health Research at UNC is dedicated to learning more about diseases, disorders, and conditions that affect women only, women predominately, and women differently than men.
Center for Women’s Mood Disorders
The UNC Center for Women’s Mood Disorders offers both clinical and research programs to address the needs of women with reproductive mood disorders.
Chapel Hill Analytical and Nanofabrication Laboratory (CHANL)
The Chapel Hill Analytical and Nanofabrication Laboratory (CHANL) was established in 2006 as part of the Institute for Advanced Materials, Nanoscience and Technology. CHANL operates as a shared instrumentation laboratory open to UNC researchers from all departments as well as to researchers from other universities, government labs, and industry.
Chemical Safety Section
The Chemical Safety Section works to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, and control personnel exposures to chemical hazards.
Chemistry Department Electronics Facility
To promote the university’s teaching and research goals, the Electronics Facility provides consultation, electronic circuit research and development and construction services, repair, maintenance, and trouble-shooting, primarily to the Chemistry Department, but also to other UNC departments, as well as to outside interests.
Chemistry Department Instrument and Glass Shops
The glass shop staff designs, fabricates, and repairs scientific glassware for the Department of Chemistry as well as other UNC departments and outside organizations. We work with quartz and boroscilicate glasses, as well as specialized types of glass.
Chemistry Department Mass Spectrometry Facility
This facility provides services in mass spectrometry using the TriVersa NanoMate and the ESI Chip.
Chemistry Department Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility (NMR)
We maintain eight NMR spectrometers that support the research efforts of over 120 students and post-docs.
Chemistry Department X-Ray Crystallography Facility
To promote the university’s teaching and research goals, the X-Ray Facility provides consultation and X-Ray crystallography analysis, primarily to the Chemistry Department, but also to other departments at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and other research institutions.
Clinical and Translational Research Center: Nursing Core (CTRC)
Clinical services are provided by highly-skilled, versatile nurses and certified phlebotomy staff.
Clinical and Translational Research Center: Nutrition Research and Metabolism Core (CTRC)
The nutrition research and metabolism core provides three primary services to investigators: metabolic diets and controlled nutrient research cababilities, research dietitians skilled in nutrition research methods, and body composition measurements that meet precision requirements for research.
Clinical Pharmacology and Analytical Chemistry Core (CPAC)
The Goal of the UNC CFAR Clinical Pharmacology and Analytical Chemistry (CPAC) Core is to Provide Comprehensive Study Design, Bioanalytical, and Data Analyses Support to Animal and Human Clinical Pharmacology Investigations in the HIV/AIDS arena.
Coastal Resilience Center (CRC)
The CRC initiative led by UNC-Chapel Hill will include collaboration with more than a dozen partner universities to address the unique challenges facing communities across the United States that are vulnerable to coastal hazards.
Collaborative Studies Coordinating Center (CSCC)
The mission of the CSCC is to improve public health by coordinating important health research, developing innovative research methodology, and providing practical training in the application of research methods.
Conflict of Interest Program
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill recognizes that conflicts of interest will arise from the research enterprise. We seek to identify and manage these conflicting relationships, restricting activities where necessary, to preserve transparency, independent decision-making, protection of research subjects, and integrity of the educational experience.
Confocal and Multiphoton Imaging Facility (CMIF)
Use of these facilities is reserved for properly trained authorized users from the Neuroscience Center and NDRC. In order to book these resources, users must obtain training and authorization from the Facility Director.
Cystic Fibrosis/Pulmonary Research and Treatment Center
The Pulmonary Division encompasses the care and treatment of persons with lung diseases, basic and clinical research into the causes and treatment of these diseases and advanced education of pulmonary physicians and scientists.
Cytokine Analysis Facility (CAF)
The facility provides bar-coded collection vials for the appropriate tracking of samples, from the collection site, through shipping, receiving, and storage at our facility, and specific analysis of inflammatory markers.
Dental Research Center
The School of Dentistry’s faculty, students, research fellows, and visiting scholars generate new knowledge in the basic, applied and clinical sciences, as well as in the areas of health services, health policy and health education.
Digital Innovation Lab
Administered through the Department of American Studies, the DIL seeks to collaborate with units across the University and to form project-based partnerships with cultural heritage organizations across North Carolina as well as public-facing digital humanities initiatives at other universities around the world.
Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM)
The Division of Comparative Medicine (DCM) is responsible for the care of all vertebrate animals on the UNC-CH campus. DCM is committed to programs of excellence in veterinary care and laboratory animal management practices for all species used in UNC-CH research endeavors.
Division of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy (DPOP)
The mission of the Division of Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy is to conduct high-impact pharmaceutical outcomes research, educate and train professional and graduate students, and engage in professional service.
Ear and Hearing Center (EHC)
Improving hearing health for patients of all ages.
Electron Microscopy Facility (EMF)
The Electron Microscopy facility offers services in EM, photography and image processing.
Environment, Health and Safety
Environment, Health and Safety is committed to providing a safe and healthful environment for the Carolina campus and local community through education, training, consultation, recognizing and controlling health and safety hazards, ensuring regulatory compliance and minimizing potential liabilities.
Environmental Affairs Office
The Environmental Affairs office has responsibility for oversight of environmental permitting and compliance activities, such as underground/above ground storage tank management, air quality permits (Title V), water quality (NPDES) permits, surface water quality, storm water management, wetland issues, and environmental assessments at inactive waste sites. This section also manages the hazardous and radioactive waste collection and disposal programs.
Environmental Finance Center (EFC)
The EFC at UNC is dedicated to enhancing the ability of governments to provide environmental programs and services in fair, effective and financially sustainable ways.
Ethics and Policy
The Office of Ethics and Policy promote a culture of transparency and accountability by sustaining the University policy infrastructure, by providing research and consultation, by addressing threats to institutional and individual integrity and by evaluating external threats to University policy and integrity.
Ethnicity, Culture, and Health Outcomes (ECHO)
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Program on Ethnicity, Culture and Health Outcomes (ECHO) explores new and innovative partnerships and collaborative opportunities to improve the health of North Carolina communities by eliminating racial and ethnic health disparities through its multidisciplinary and culturally sensitive research, education and training initiatives.
Fire Safety & Emergency Response Section
The Fire Safety and Emergency Response Section is responsible for enforcing the NC Building and Fire Codes, investigating fire incidents, developing evacuation procedures and maintaining fire alarm and extinguishing systems.
Flow Cytometry Core Facility (FCCF)
The UNC Flow Cytometry Facility provides state-of-the-art flow cytometry and related services to the entire UNC-CH research community as well as to others in the Research Triangle Park area.
Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute (FPG)
The FPG Child Development Institute, a multidisciplinary institute at UNC-Chapel Hill, recognizes that every child deserves a safe, healthy, and stimulating childhood. Our work is dedicated to making this a reality for all children.
Functional Genomics Core (FGC)
The Functional Genomics Core provides expression profiling and SNP genotyping (Affymetrix) services.
Gene Therapy Center (GTC)
The University of North Carolina School of Medicine created the Gene Therapy Center in 1996 with the goal of merging molecular genetics research with healthcare delivery. The Gene Therapy Center provides important resources to academic investigators through two core facilities created to support preclinical and clinical gene therapy studies.
Genome Analysis Facility (GAF)
The UNC-CH Genome Analysis Facility (formerly the UNC-CH Automated DNA Sequencing Facility) is a Core Facility, established in 1992 by the Program in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (PMBB), to provide researchers at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with access to state-of-the-art resources for DNA sequencing and genotyping.
Global Research Institute (GRI)
The Global Research Institute focuses on research areas in which UNC-Chapel Hill already has significant strengths as a way both to advance knowledge in these areas and to help attract world-renowned scholars to Chapel Hill.
Global Social Development Innovations
GSDI’s mission is to create innovative interventions, build knowledge, produce evidence, and, in collaboration with local stakeholders, shape policy towards the well-being of marginalized populations globally.
Global Women’s Health (GWH)
The mission of GWH is to advance the health of women and their families in resource-limited settings through research, service delivery, and training. A major focus is to raise the profile of global health within the OB-GYN specialty and to train the next generation of OB-GYN leaders in global health.
High-Throughout Sequencing Facility (HTSF)
HTSF was established in 2008 with funds from the UCRF, and is supported by LCCC. Its goal is to apply the tools of high throughput sequencing technology to enrich cancer research of UNC scientists.
Highway Safety Research Center (HSRC)
For over 40 years, the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center has conducted interdisciplinary research aimed at reducing deaths, injuries and related societal costs of roadway crashes.
Histology Research Core Facility
The Histology Facility in the Department of Cell and Molecular Physiology is designed to provide expertise and consultation on histological and immunohistochemical methods.
Howard W. Odum Institute for Research in Social Science (Odum)
The mission of the Odum Institute parallels that of the University as a whole — teaching, research, and service — but the Institute’s focus is on the social sciences.
Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Core Facility
The UNC hESC Core Facility aims to provide support for UNC investigators working with human embryonic stem cells by providing training in laboratory protocols and techniques for hESC propagation and culture, and access to necessary equipment and laboratory space to enhance translational and clinical research.
IACUC and Office of Animal Care and Use (OACU)
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill must remain in compliance with the policies and regulations governing the use of live vertebrate animals in research and educational programs. The UNC Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is the agent responsible for insuring this compliance.
Immunology Core Facility (ICF)
The primary objective of our facility is to produce monoclonal antibody-producing hybridoma cell lines for UNC investigators.
Injury Prevention Research Center (IPRC)
The Center’s mission is to build the field of injury prevention and control through a combination of interdisciplinary scholarly approaches to research, intervention, and evaluation as well as through the training of the next generation of researchers and practitioners.
Institute for Convergent Science
The UNC Institute for Convergent Science builds and supports imaginative teams with disciplined practices in spaces designed for collaboration. Through creative partnerships and our “Ready, Set, Go” innovation framework, we help move ideas from basic research into transformative applications.
Institute for Disaster Studies (IDS)
As a dynamic catalyst for change and innovation, the Institute keeps North Carolina at the leading edge of disaster preparedness, response and recovery.
Institute for Global Health and Infectious Diseases
The Institute for Global Health & Infectious Diseases is a pan-university institute focused on global health research, teaching, and service in three target regions: Asia, Latin America, and Africa.
Institute for Pharmacogenomics and Individualized Therapy (IPIT)
Our Vision is to revolutionize medical practice by creating a new structure to generate and implement new systems for optimal therapy selection for individual patients.
Institute for Private Capital
The Institute for Private Capital improves public understanding of the role of private capital in the global economy. Academic and industry experts work together to generate new knowledge about private capital markets based on objective academic research.
Institute for the Arts and Humanities (IAH)
The IAH funds individual and collaborative research, showcases faculty work, develops faculty leaders and teachers, and facilitates the formation of collaborative, interdisciplinary communities that promote intellectual exchange.
Institute for the Environment (IE)
The Institute for the Environment educates future environmental leaders and engages with the people of North Carolina and the nation to address and solve environmental challenges.
Institute for the Study of the Americas (ISA)
The Institute for the Study of the Americas (ISA) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge of the Latin American experience in the Western Hemisphere.
Institute of African-American Research (IAAR)
The Institute of African American Research serves to facilitate, support, and promote research being done by scholars of African American Studies in every discipline.
Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS)
The Institute’s mission is to conduct cutting-edge research, train young scientists, provide expertise to governmental agencies and industry, and to promote new knowledge to inform public policy.
Institutional Privacy Office
The mission of the Institutional Privacy Office is to monitor compliance with federal and state privacy regulations, as well as general industry privacy standards for restricted or sensitive information collected, used, retained by the University.
IntraHealth International, Inc.
Our mission is to mobilize local talent for sustainable and accessible health care
IRB and the Office of Human Research Ethics (OHRE)
The Office of Human Research Ethics (OHRE) is responsible for ethical and regulatory oversight of research at UNC-Chapel Hill that involves human subjects. The OHRE administers, supports, and guides the work of the Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) and all related activities.
Joint Applied Mathematics and Marine Sciences Fluids Lab
The Joint Applied Mathematics and Marine Sciences Fluids Lab (JFL) is an interdisciplinary research lab in the Carolina Center of Interdisciplinary and Applied Mathematics consisting of a thirty-six meter wave tank, a saltwater facility, a large scale wind tunnel, several recirculating flumes, and many small scale experimental setups.
Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise
The Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise is a research and consulting organization based at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Kenan-Flagler Business School.
Kidney Center (UNCKC)
The mission of the UNC Kidney Center is to reduce the burden of chronic kidney disease through discovery about the pathophysiology and therapeutics of the disease; through the development and assessment of educational programs about kidney disease for North Carolinians and their primary care physicians and by providing physicians and citizens access to information about the causes and treatments of kidney disease.
L.L. Thurstone Psychometric Laboratory
The mission of the L. L. Thurstone Psychometric Laboratory is to support the faculty and students of the Laboratory in the development and application of quantitative methods for psychological research.
Laboratories for Reproductive Biology (LRB)
The Laboratories for Reproductive Biology (LRB) is an interdisciplinary research program to enhance training and education programs of advanced undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral fellows with an interest in the biology of reproduction.
Lenti-shRNA Core Facility
The university shRNA core is premised on Open Biosystems TRC1 shRNA libraries. The libraries are catalogued as a single lentiviral-vector shRNA expression clones directed to ~16000 human and mouse genes.
Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center (LCCC)
The center brings together some of the most exceptional physicians and scientists in the country to investigate and improve the prevention, early detection and treatment of cancer.
Lineberger Genomics and Bioinformatics Core
The Genomics core serves to measure concentration and check quality for RNA/DNA samples, process samples for Agilent Microarrays, and prepare mRNA libraries for High Throughput Sequencing. The Bioinformatics core offers all stages of microarray analysis, helps with experimental design, and assists with analysis of data including generation of gene list and cluster analysis.
Macromolecular Interactions Facility (Mac-In-Fac)
The Mac-In-Fac is a core biophysical laboratory of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. It provides instrumentation and resources for biophysical characterization of interactions of biological macromolecules.
Macromolecular X-Ray Crystallography Facility (MX)
The central goal of the UNC Crystallography Core Facility is to provide the support and infrastructure necessary to enable individual investigators of any experience level to initiate and successfully complete a structural biology project.
Mammalian Genotyping Core (MGC)
The MGC provides SNP genotyping, CNV analysis, and Methylation analysis.
McAllister Heart Institute (MHI)
The mission of the UNC McAllister Heart Institute is to provide a world class environment for basic, preclinical, and applied cardiovascular research.
Metabolomics Laboratory (by NMR)
The UNC Metabolomics Laboratory is a collaborative resource for global and targeted metabolite profiling from a wide range of biological samples.
Michael Hooker Microscopy Facility (MHMF)
The facility provides standard and advanced digital light microscopy and image processing resources to users from the UNC Chapel Hill campus on a fee for use basis.
Michael Hooker Proteomics Center
The Mission of the UNC Proteomics Core Facility is to provide UNC investigators with state-of-the-art scientific and technical support in modern proteomics.
Microbiome Core Facility
The mission of the Microbiome Core Facility is to provide the research community of the UNC- School of Medicine and the state of North Carolina with the facilities and the know-how to characterize complex microbial communities in a variety of environments.
Microprotein Sequencing and Peptide Synthesis Facility (MSPS)
This facility provides services in peptide synthesis and protein sequencing.
Microscopy Service Laboratory (MSL)
We provide light microscopy and electron microscopy services to UNC researchers and UNC Hospitals.
Mouse Behavioral Phenotyping Core (NCRC) (MBPC)
Levels of locomotion and rearing are measured using an automated activity system (VersaMax System, AccuScan Instruments). These data can be used to quantitate hyper- or hypo- activity in experimental groups, and to detect aberrant exploration and habituation in a novel environment.
Mouse Cardiovascular Models Core (MCVM)
The Mouse Cardiovascular Models Core Facility within the UNC McAllister Heart Institute was established in spring of 2003. It was designed as a central animal physiology and experimental surgical laboratory to serve a variety of investigators encompassing various fields of medicine and biology, particularly those with an interest in cardiovascular disease.
Mouse Cost Recovery Center (MCRC)
For decades the mouse has been the most popular surrogate model for humans. The Collaborative Cross (CC) is a large panel of recently established recombinant inbred (RI) mouse lines specifically designed to overcome the limitations of existing genetic resources and to act as an optimal murine model of heterogeneous human populations.
Mutant Mouse Regional Resource Center (MMRRC)
The purpose of the MMRRC is to act as a repository for mutant strains of mice.
N.C. Children’s Center for Clinical Excellence (CCE)
N.C. Children’s Center for Clinical Excellence aims to build a sustainable quality improvement (QI) infrastructure at N.C. Children’s Hospital. We provide experiential learning for faculty, staff, and trainees by integrating QI projects and training in our inpatient, outpatient, and community settings.
National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Center (NCCSI)
The National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research collects and disseminates death and permanent disability sports injury data that involve brain and/or spinal cord injuries.
National Research Center on Rural Education Support (NRCRES)
NRCRES has conducted a focused program of research that addresses significant problems in rural education.
NC Translational & Clinical Sciences Institute (TraCS)
The North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences (NC TraCS) Institute at UNC-CH is one of 60 medical research institutions working together as a national consortium to improve the way biomedical research is conducted across the country.
Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Center: Developmental Neuroimaging Laboratory (NDRC)
The Developmental Neuroimaging Laboratory provides consultation and support for all these stages of design and implementation of neuroimaging studies, and provides access to well-established methods for the acquisition and analysis of MR data in the context of the EKSIDDRC projects involving these assessments.
Neurodevelopmental Disorders Research Center: Human Behavioral Phenotyping Laboratory (NDRC)
The Human Behavioral Phenotyping Laboratory of the Behavioral Measurement Core provides laboratory space, equipment and technical assistance for the observation and measurement of human behavior in structured and unstructured contexts.
Neuroscience Center (UNCNC)
Our mission is to promote neuroscience research at UNC-Chapel Hill with an emphasis on developmental, genetic, and disease-related processes.
NMR Facility (NMR)
The NMR Facility at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy serves the needs of research groups from across the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and beyond.
North Carolina AIDS Training and Education Center
Our primary mission is to meet the training needs of health care providers in North Carolina who diagnose and manage patients with HIV, with a special focus on minority and minority-serving providers, rural providers, and providers working in Ryan White-funded programs.
North Carolina Area Health Educators Centers Program (AHEC)
The mission of the North Carolina AHEC Program is to meet the state’s health and health workforce needs by providing educational programs in partnership with academic institutions, health care agencies, and other organizations committed to improving the health of the people of North Carolina.
North Carolina Center for Nanoscale Materials (NCCNM)
The research activities in the center are directed towards understanding the fundamental science of nanoscale materials and utilizing their unique properties for commerical applications.
North Carolina Center for South Asia Studies (NCCSAS)
The NCCSAS seeks to promote research and teaching in the languages and cultures of South Asia in the constituent universities of the Triangle South Asia Consortium and the region.
North Carolina Institute for Public Health (NCIPH)
Our mission is making a healthier North Carolina by improving public health practice, through four strategic priorities–workforce development, accreditation and quality improvement, public health preparedness, and healthy environments.
North Carolina Oral Health Institute
The School of Dentistry’s faculty, students, research fellows, and visiting scholars generate new knowledge in the basic, applied and clinical sciences, as well as in the areas of health services, health policy and health education.
Nucleic Acids Core Facility (NACF)
The Nucleic Acids Core Facility (NACF) provides investigators with low-cost, high-quality oligonucleotides for use in a wide range of applications including DNA sequencing, PCR, cDNA/RNA synthesis, hybridization, in vitro mutagenesis and anti-sense inhibition of gene expression.
Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC)
The UNC Nutrition Obesity Research Center is one of 12 centers in the country funded by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases that is specifically designed to provide support and expertise to scientists studying the role of nutrition and obesity in public health.
Nutrition Obesity Research Center: Animal Metabolism and Phenotyping Core (NORC)
The Animal Metabolism Phenotyping Core provides access to state of the art phenotyping techinques for metabolism and energy balance in mouse models of nutrition and disease.
Nutrition Obesity Research Center: Clinical Research Services (NORC)
The Clinical Concierge provides assistance to (a) investigators with little or no clinical research experience and (b) for studies that may or may not have funding or a protocol in place.
Nutrition Obesity Research Center: Communication for Health Applications and Intervention (CHAI) (Nutrition Behavioral Intervention) Core (CHAI)
The CHAI Core provides service to research projects that are developing interventions aimed at promoting health and disease prevention. We provide expertise in the areas of web development, survey design, database development, graphic design, gaming, and the facilitation of focus groups and usability testing.
Nutrition Obesity Research Center: Diet, Physical Activity and Body Composition (NORC)
The Diet, Physical Activity and Body Composition Core provides methodological resources and expertise for dietary intake, physical activity and body composition in the human population.
Nutrition Obesity Research Center: Nutritional Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NORC)
The Nutritional Biochemistry and Metabolomics Core provides assistance for nutritional biochemical and molecular biological techniques and cutting edge metabolomic capabilities.
Nutrition Research Institute (NRI)
The UNC Nutrition Research Institute (NRI), located in Kannapolis, NC and part of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is leading the development of “individualized nutrition” – understanding why people’s metabolism and nutrition requirements differ from one another.
Occupational & Environmental Hygiene Section
The Occupational and Environmental Hygiene section is responsible for ensuring that indoor campus environments are conducive to good health and wellbeing, by recognizing, evaluating, and controlling health and safety hazards, using knowledge and experience in industrial hygiene, asbestos management, air and water quality, and safety engineering.
Office for Undergraduate Research (OUR)
The Office for Undergraduate Research (OUR) helps undergraduates get connected to the larger Carolina research community, find research funding, and share their research with others.
Office of Clinical Research Compliance
Office of Clinical Research Compliance provides compliance and regulatory support for clinical trials at UNC.
Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA)
The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (OPA) enhances, supports, and promotes postdoctoral training at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and helps prepare postdoctoral scholars for successful research careers. OPA serves postdoctoral scholars, faculty, and human resources professionals in all disciplines.
Office of Public Affairs
UNC Public Affairs serves as the primary liaison between the University and policymakers at the federal, state, and local levels. Our Office is charged with developing and advancing the University’s policy agenda and expanding strong partnerships with our public officials.
Office of Research Communications (ORC)
The Office of Research Communications conveys the value of research conducted at Carolina to the university community, the citizens of North Carolina, and interested and invested parties across the nation and world.
Office of Research Development (ORD)
The mission of the Office of Research Development (ORD) is to engage researchers in the development of interdisciplinary research and to support the research needs of faculty throughout the university.
Office of Research Information Systems (ORIS)
The mission of the Office of Research Information Systems (ORIS) is to provide quality IT/IS support to Research offices involved in all aspects of the research enterprise at Carolina. ORIS also designs and maintains cutting-edge information systems for use by faculty and staff within the research community.
Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP)
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) strives to provide the faculty and staff assistance in all aspects of the research administration of their externally funded research.
Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC)
The mission of the Office of Technology Commercialization (OTC) is to accelerate the translation of important ideas into meaningful products and services for North Carolina, the world, and the University.
Office of Technology Development (OTD)
The Office of Technology Development (OTD), in support of the university’s mission to encourage innovation and disseminate knowledge, serves the university and the public by licensing innovations developed by faculty, students and staff.
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR)
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research oversees, develops and supports Carolina’s $1.36 billion research enterprise. It sets strategic priorities for research, manages proposals and awards, provides research infrastructure, identifies funding opportunities, develops research teams and partnerships, and oversees regulatory compliance, science and security, and ethics.
Oligonucleotide Synthesis Core Facility (OSCF)
The Oligonucleotide Synthesis Core Facility produces and purifies oligonucleotides for use in genetic research experiments, such as PCR, DNA sequencing, primer extension, and as hybridization probes.
Oral Microbiology Laboratory (OML)
The Oral Microbiology Laboratory (OML) located at the UNC School of Dentistry provides diagnostic clinical microbiology, microbiological research, microbiology training and sterilization monitoring services to both the School of Dentistry and the community of dental practitioners in the state of North Carolina and surrounding geographic area.
Parr Center for Ethics
The Parr Center is an embodiment of the University’s commitment to ethics. Our aim is to promote ethical development by providing the necessary resources — theoretical development, empirical knowledge, and discussion opportunities — to explore and advance our understanding of ethical issues.
Pharmacometrics Core
The Pharmacometrics Core is equipped to assist investigators at each step in the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic research process, from study design and data analysis to publication.
Program for the Study of Neurodevelopment in Rare Disorders (NDRD)
The Program for the Study of Neurodevelopment in Rare Disorders (NDRD) is committed to helping children with rare, inherited neurological conditions, and their families through evaluation, education, research, and intervention.
Program in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology (PMBB)
The Program in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology (PMBB) was created in 1981 by Dr. Stuart Bondurant, Dean of the School of Medicine, to promote genetic engineering research and education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Program in Prevention-In Education & Practice (HC&P)
The Health Care & Prevention (HC&P) Program is an MPH program designed specifically for medical professionals – clinicians, other health care professionals and medical students. The program is a joint effort between the School of Medicine and the School of Public Health and serves to bring together the clinical and population perspectives of health care to best serve the health of the public.
Program on Health Outcomes (PHO)
The PHO is a resource within UNC where government and private health organizations can obtain expertise in health outcomes for a wide range of applications.
Program on Integrative Medicine (PIM)
The mission of the Program on Integrative Medicine (PIM) is to enhance the public’s health and to improve effectiveness and safety of health care through the appropriate integration of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) with mainstream health-care.
Public Health-Nursing Institutional Review Board (Public Health-Nursing IRB)
Reviews research from School of Public Health, School of Nursing, nursing-related studies at UNC Hospitals, non-medical research from Injury Prevention Research Center, Carolina Population Center, Health Promotion Disease Prevention, and Sheps Center.
R.L. Juliano Structural Bioinformatics Core Facility (SBI)
The R. L. Juliano Structural Bioinformatics Core Facility (SBI Core) is a computational core that trains researchers in computational structural biology techniques.
Radiation Safety Section
The Radiation Safety Section provides services that include authorization for use of radioactive material and irradiators, personnel monitoring, x-ray safety survey and lab safety inspections.
Rapid Case Ascertainment (RCA)
The Rapid Case Ascertainment Core now offers our services to obtain medical records from hospitals, free-standing cancer centers, clinics, physician’s offices, and other treatment facilities for consenting patients participating in approved research projects.
Renaissance Computing Institute (RENCI)
RENCI (RENaissance Computing Institute) develops and deploys advanced technologies to enable research discoveries and practical innovations.
Research Compliance Services (RCS)
The University of North Carolina is committed to the highest standards of research integrity and compliance as defined in the Research Code of Conduct. To this end, Research Compliance Services serve as a resource for our entire research community.
Research Laboratories of Archaeology (RLA)
Currently, the RLA’s mission has four facets: to expand knowledge of native peoples in the Americas, with particular emphasis on North Carolina and the South; to train graduate and undergraduate students in the methods of archaeology; to inform the public about Indian culture and archaeology; and to serve as a repository of archaeological collections.
Research Services for Utilization of Laboratory Test (ReSULTS)
NC TraCS helps investigators sove methodological problems, find collaborators with appropriate methodological expertise, and connect with the latest methodologies available.
RNAi Screening Facility (RNAi HTS)
The RNAi HTS Facility manages a human genomic siRNA library from Dharmacon.
Solar Energy Research Center (SERC)
SERC, the UNC Solar Energy Research Center is positioning the University to be a leader in formulating a sustainable energy future. Our current research focus is on solar fuels by artificial photosynthesis and next-generation organic and hybrid photovoltaics.
Statewide Program for Infection Control and Epidemiology (SPICE)
SPICE is charged with investigating and controlling healthcare-associated infections in hospitals, long-term care facilities, and other medical facilities in the state. The program provides training, education, and consultation to hospitals, long-term care facilities, and other medical facilities to prevent and control healthcare-associated infections.
Systems-Proteomics Center (Sysprot)
The Systems-Proteomics Core Facility provides the following services: 2D-Gel Electrophoresis, 2D-Differential in Gel Electrophoresis, Maldi-MS Tissue Imaging, Protein Network Analysis, Neuroproteomics, Protein arrays, Experimental design for systems proteomics, and analysis of post-translational modifications.
The Superfund Basic Research Program (UNCSRP)
The UNC Superfund Research Program advances the scientific bases required to understand and reduce risks to human health associated with several of the highest priority chemicals regulated under the Superfund program, namely polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and chlorinated hydrocarbons.
Thurston Arthritis Research Center (TARC)
Our mission is to investigate the causes, consequences and treatments of arthritis and autoimmune diseases, and to reduce their impact on patients, their families and society.
Tissue Culture Facility (TCF)
The TCF is a full-service cell culture shared resource and provides Cancer Center members and UNC colleagues with a wide variety of services and products at substantial discounts.
Tissue Procurement Core Facility (TPCF)
Services: tissue procurement, blood procurement and processing, quality assurance/histopathologic review, support of oncology clinical trials, other biospecimen collection and banking, tissue sectioning, nucleic acid isolation, database management and tissue bank searches, and alternate collection sites.
Translational Pathology Laboratory (TPL)
We offer access to sophisticated digital pathology platforms and study design support to all UNC investigators to enhance translational research.
Triangle Institute for Security Studies (TISS)
TISS, a consortium of Duke, UNC-Chapel Hill, and NCSU, was founded in 1958. Its mission is to promote interdisciplinary cooperation among faculty, graduate students, and the public. Its objective is to advance research and education in the field of national and international security.
Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL)
Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory is a Department of Energy -funded laboratory with research faculty from three major universities within the Research Triangle area: Duke University, North Carolina State University, and the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill.
UNC Global Affairs
Since our establishment as the first public university in the United States in 1789, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has earned a reputation as a leading global public research university.
University Cancer Research Fund (UCRF)
The University Cancer Research Fund (UCRF) is a nation-leading investment to stimulate cancer research and reduce North Carolina’s leading cause of death. The Fund builds upon the exceptional research base at UNC-Chapel Hill’s Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, the state’s only public, NCI-designated comprehensive cancer center.
Vector Core and Human Applications Laboratories
Our mission: to provide researchers with a single facility where they can access a comprehensive range of resources and services for gene transfer research.
Vironomics Core
The Vironomics core is designed to facilitate research labs at UNC by performing large-scale Real Time PCR reactions and high throughput sequencing using Roche 454 GS Junior.
W.M. Keck Laboratory for Atomic Imaging and Manipulation
Equipment includes: transmission electron microscopes, sample preparation equipment, image processing and analysis.
Water Institute
The vision of the Water Institute at UNC is to bring together individuals and institutions from diverse disciplines and sectors and empower them to work together to solve the most critical global issues in water and health.
Workplace Safety Section
The Workplace Safety section provides services to industrial maintenance and construction, support services and clinic environments. We offer expertise in ergonomics, respiratory protection, safety training, medical surveillance, workers’ compensation and Safety Management Information System.
Zebrafish Aquaculture Core Facility (ZACF)
The UNC Zebrafish Aquaculture Core Facility provides zebrafish husbandry and training services to researchers at UNC-CH.