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UNC Research Overall Stats

UNC Researchʼs Impact on Wake County

Projects Benefitting Wake County

  • The North Carolina Men’s Health Report Card draws from numerous sources to provide a comprehensive overview of the health landscape for men across the state.
  • With $10 million in funding from the North Carolina General Assembly, NC Pure aims to further develop and deploy a novel technology for the selective removal of PFAS from water at pilot scale level in three locations across the state.
  • Funded by the National Institutes of Health, the UNC Center for AIDS Research provides infrastructure to support investigation of the HIV/AIDS epidemic using clinical and behavioral research, research into HIV biology and pathogenesis, and educational outreach.
  • With funding from the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services, the UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health promotes healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments in early care and education settings through child care health consultation.
  • With funding from NASA, the UNC Institute for the Environment enlists citizen scientists and satellites to track lake water levels.


  • Drug-checking project cuts overdoses

  • UNC research team awarded $1.5 million NASA grant to explore disparities and solutions to urban heat stress and climate justice in U.S.

  • Outreach manager protects NC families

  • Addressing Pandemic Problems

  • New study by researchers at UNC-Chapel Hill finds chemical composition of U.S. air pollution changed over time