Online Submission Guide
Task- and screen-specific, printable guides on how to complete the IRB Application and navigate the IRBIS user interface:
The IRB Online Submission Guide is in the process of being revised. Content may not be current.
The IRB Online Submission Guide is in the process of being revised. Content may not be current.
IRBIS login
Initiating an IRB Application
- Initiating a new IRB application
- Copying (cloning) an existing study
- Application features (data entry; adding UNC-affiliated personnel; attaching documents)
- Initial application types (as reflected in Item List)
- Application cover memo
Navigating IRBIS (submission monitoring and retrieval)
- The Home screen
- Two navigation bars
- Tracking submission progress (In draft/Being Routed/Under Review)
- Checking study/submission status
- Accessing your approval letter, document list, and expiration notices
- Accessing/downloading your current study documents
- Monitoring study team COI disclosure and CITI completion
- Ascertain your submission’s full board agenda date
Routing a Submission I (PI and Faculty Advisor certifications) (pdf)
- Indicating routing departments (monitoring certifications/approvals)
- Principal Investigator submits and certifies
- Study staff submits and PI certifies
- Faculty Advisor reviews/certifies
- Checking routing status
- Revising and resubmitting following departmental disapproval
Routing a Submission II (Department Approver and Reviewer responsibilities) (pdf)
Generating Consent Templates
Managing Documents
- Consent Forms
- Attachments
- IRB marked copies
- Using track-changes to review IRB-marked consents and attachments (instructional video)
- When/how to delete documents
- Retrieving historical study documents