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Password tokens are used to login to external applications like Folder Monitor, the Microsoft Office Plugin, FlowJo, GraphPad Prism, and Vernier Logger Pro.

  1. Sign into LabArchives via the web browser, click your name at the top right and select “LA App Authentication.”
  2. The “Password Token for External Applications” screen will appear. You can use the email address and password token to login to the external application.

Screen capture: A drop-down menu from a button labeled “Example Name.” A red box calls out the item “LA App authentication” in the menu.

Note: The password is valid for 1 hour. You will need to create a password token each time you login to an external application unless you turn on auto login.

Screen capture: Password Token for External Applications. Red boxes call out the email address, password, and password expiration fields.

Source: LabArchives support. Notebook image by David Schwarzenberg.