International Activities
University Activities Abroad
The University’s global mission encourages international activities, collaboration and engagement. When conducting international University business or research, it should be noted that any things (e.g. materials, equipment, technology, information, data, software) shipped, transferred or transported (including hand carrying) to a foreign destination is considered an export. When exporting anything to a foreign destination, it is important to ensure that all recipients, destinations and things, obtain any necessary U.S. government authorization before being exported.
Prior to exporting anything out of the country, please consider the following questions:
- Is the international destination a comprehensively sanctioned country?
- Is the person or entity I am working with a restricted party?
- Will I be taking any technology, software, or controlled materials?
If you answer “yes” to any of the above questions, please refer to our International Travel or International Shipping webpages and contact the Export Compliance Office for assistance.