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The role of the faculty mentor is vital to the success and growth of postdoctoral researchers, junior scholars, and UNC’s research mission. Great mentors not only ensure that research is successfully completed, they also ensure that the career development and postdoctoral experience at UNC are positive and productive. This page provides some of the best resources available on how to be a great mentor to your postdocs.

Compact Between Postdoc Appointees and Mentors

Individual Development Plan

NPA Core Competencies

Sample Mentoring Plan for Grants

Advancing Postdoc Women Guidebook

Installing Equity and Inclusion in Departmental Practices

UNC Postdoctoral Scholar Policies

The Postdoctoral Experience Revisted (from National Academies)

National Research Mentoring Network

5 Ways Supervisors Can Promote Research Integrity (Infographic from the NIH)

Synopsis from The Deliberate Mentor: Performing the Role(s) with Thought and Purpose (from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)

Guidelines for Mentoring Postdocs (from the UCSF Postdoc Office)

Writing a Letter of Recommendation (from HHMI)

Enhancing the Postdoctoral Experience for Scientists and Engineers (from National Academies)

OPA Additional Educational Information 2016

The Next Generation of Biomedical and Behavioral Sciences Researchers: Breaking Through (The National Academies Press)