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Panoramic photo of South Building on UNCʼs campus, Jon Gardiner/UNC-Chapel Hill

From Extraterrestrials to Taylor Swift: Women and the Allure of Conspiracy Theories

Tuesday May 21st | 6:00-7:00 PM


Conspiracy theories are often thought of as a distinctly masculine and politically conservative phenomenon, but Yvonne Eadon’s research complicates this by introducing the concept of feminized conspiracy theories—those that appeal to women and femmes or are concerned with traditionally feminine topics. How do women and queer people engage with conspiracy theorizing? And how are feminized conspiracy theories distinct from prototypical or widely discussed theories like QAnon, 9/11 Truth, and the JFK Assassination? Conspiratorial thinking can, in fact, show up in a variety of unexpected contexts and is often deeply informed by identity, emotion, and embodiment. Taking place on Tuesday May 21, form 6-7 PM at the Chapel Hill Library. Free pizza will be provided! To stay informed about future events, join the Research Cafe listserv!

PDA Research Café is a free series, organized by postdocs, to share the exciting research being carried out at UNC with the local community. All talks are delivered by engaging professionals who are leading experts in their fields of research. Talks take place on the first Tuesday of every 2nd month at either the Chapel Hill Public Library or TRU Deli Sandwich and Wine Bar in Chapel Hill. No background knowledge is required – everyone is welcome!