A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
Select the first letter of the word from the list above to jump to the appropriate section of the glossary. If the term you are looking for starts with a digit or symbol, choose the ‘#’ link.
We also recommend the New Clinical Research Glossary from the Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard, which contains creative commons illustrations of widely used terminology.
- Abdomen
- belly
- Abdominal
- having to do with the belly; pertaining to the body cavity below the diaphragm which contains stomach, intestines, liver, and other organs
- Abdominal cavity
- space in the belly where the stomach, intestines, kidney, liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, and ureters are found
- Abdominocentesis
- use of needle or tube to drain fluid from the belly
- Abdominoperineal resection
- surgery to remove the middle and end of the large intestine
- Abdominoplasty
- surgery to fix the stomach
- Abduction
- movement away from the middle of the body
- Abortion
- the premature end of a pregnancy
- Abrasion
- area where skin or other tissue is scraped away
- Abruptio placentae
- premature separation of the placenta from the mother
- Abscess
- swelling filled with pus
- Absorb
- take up fluids, take in
- Absorption
- the way a drug or other substance enters the body
- Acapnia
- decreased carbon dioxide in the blood
- Acetabulum
- pocket in the hip bone that holds the top of the upper leg bone
- Acidosis
- increase of acid in the blood
- Acne
- pimples
- Acoumeter
- tool used to measure hearing
- Acoustic neuroma
- growth in the ear canal
- Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
- contagious illness that results in decreased ability of the body to protect itself from other illnesses
- Acromegaly
- a disease of adults in which the body makes too much growth hormone
- Actinic keratosis
- skin disease (bumps) caused by extreme overexposure to the sun
- Activated partial thromboplastin time
- a test of blood clotting time used to measure the ability of the blood to clot
- Acuity
- clearness, keenness, esp of vision – airways.
- Acute
- lasting a short time but often causing a serious problem; new, recent, sudden
- Addison’s disease
- serious disorder in which there is decreased cortisol and aldosterone in the body, resulting in weakness, low blood pressure, and other serious problems
- Adduction
- movement toward the middle of the body
- Adenohypophysis
- gland in the brain that makes many hormones that control body functions
- Adenoidectomy
- surgery to take out the adenoids
- Adenoiditis
- inflammation of the adenoids
- Adenoids
- infection-fighting glands in the back of the throat
- Adenomyosis
- a growth of muscle in the uterus
- Adenopathy
- swollen lymph nodes (glands)
- Adenotome
- tool used to remove adenoids
- Adhesion
- tissue stuck together
- Adipose
- having to do with fat
- Adjuvant
- helpful, assisting, aiding
- Adjuvant treatment
- added treatment
- Administer
- give
- Adrenal gland
- a gland found over each kidney
- Adrenalectomy
- surgery to remove an adrenal gland
- Adrenaline
- hormone made by the adrenal glands that speeds up body organs and helps the body deal with stress
- Adrenalitis
- inflammation of one or both adrenal glands
- Adrenocortical hormone
- any of the hormones made by the outer layer of the adrenal glands
- Adrenocorticohyperplasia
- increased growth of one or both adrenal glands
- Adrenocorticotropic hormone
- hormone made by the brain that activates the adrenal glands
- Adrenomegaly
- increase in size of one or both adrenal glands
- Adrenopathy
- disease of one or both adrenal glands
- Adverse
- harmful, bad
- Aerosol
- drug or substance made as a mist to be breathed in
- Afferent
- going toward the center area
- Afterbirth
- material that provides nutrition for the unborn baby and comes out after the baby is born (placenta)
- Airway
- tube through which air passes to enter and leave the lungs
- Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
- substance in blood that is measured to check for liver disease
- Albino
- white; lacking pigment (lacking color)
- Albuminuria
- protein in the urine
- Alcohol
- drug found in whisky, wine, and beer that slows down the central nervous system
- Aldosterone
- hormone made by the adrenal glands that controls the amount of mineral salts in the body
- Allergic reaction
- rash, trouble breathing
- Allergy
- oversensitivity to a substance
- Alopecia
- baldness
- Alpha-fetoprotein
- substance in blood that is measured to check for liver cancer, testicular cancer , and spina bifida
- see amyotrophic lateral aclerosis (ALS); see also Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS)
- Alzheimer’s disease
- disorder that causes mental confusion
- Ambulate
- ability to walk
- Amenorrhea
- when a woman has no menstrual period
- Amniocentesis
- removal of some of the waters from around an unborn baby for laboratory testing
- Amniochorial
- having to do with the tissues that surround the unborn baby
- Amniography
- x-ray of the uterus (womb) and unborn baby taken after putting a dye into the bag of waters
- Amnion
- tissue that covers the unborn baby
- Amnionitis
- inflammation of the amnion
- Amniorrhea
- leaking of waters from around the unborn baby
- Amniorrhexis
- breaking of the amnion
- Amnioscope
- tool inserted through the cervix to look at the amniotic fluid and the unborn baby
- Amniotic fluid
- waters around the unborn baby
- Amniotic sac
- bag of tissue that surrounds the unborn baby
- Amniotomy
- rupture of the membranes (breaking of the tissues around the unborn baby)- done to start labor
- Amphetamines
- drugs that speed up metabolism and decrease appetite (“speed”)
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
- a disease of the nerves that causes weakness
- Anal
- having to do with the anus
- Analgesic
- drug used to control pain
- Anaphylactic shock
- serious allergic reaction to a substance (e.g., food, drug)
- Androgen
- male sex hormone
- Anemia
- decreased number of red blood cells
- Anesthesia
- loss of sensation or feeling
- Anesthetic
- drug that is used to produce loss of pain sensation
- Anesthetic (general)
- a drug or agent used to decrease the feeling of pain or eliminate the feeling of pain by putting you to sleep.
- Anesthetic (local)
- a drug or agent used to decrease the feeling of pain or by numbing an area of your body, without putting you to sleep.
- Aneurysm
- area where an artery is swollen like a sack because the wall of the artery is weak
- Aneurysmectomy
- surgery to take out an aneurysm
- Angina pectoris
- chest pain due to decreased oxygen being supplied to the heart
- Angiocarditis
- inflammation of the heart and the blood vessels entering the heart
- Angioma
- growth made up of blood vessels or lymph vessels
- Angioplasty
- surgery to open up a narrow blood vessel
- Angiorrhaphy
- stitching a blood vessel
- Angioplasm
- cramp in the blood vessels
- Angiostenosis
- narrowing of the inside of a blood vessel
- Angled
- bent, not straight
- Ankylosing spondylitis
- inflammation of the spine causing pain and stiffness
- Ankylosis
- joint stiffness
- Anoplasty
- surgery to fix the anus
- Anorexia
- no appetite for food
- Anorexia nervosa
- mental disorder in which fear of getting fat results in starvation and weight loss
- Anoxia
- no oxygen
- Antacid
- drug used to decrease acid in the stomach (e.g., Tums, Rolaids)
- Antecubital
- in front of the elbow
- Antepartum
- before childbirth
- Anterior
- having to do with the front of the body
- Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy
- surgery to fix weak muscles in the pelvic area
- Anterior lobe
- front part of an organ
- Anterior lobe of the pituitary
- part of the pituitary gland that discharges many hormones
- Antianginal
- drug used to relieve chest pain
- Antiarrhythmic
- drug used to resote the natural rhythm of the heart
- Antibiotic
- drug used to stop or slow down the growth of bacteria and other germs
- Antibody
- type of protein that helps protect the body against foreign matter, such as bacteria and viruses
- Anticoagulant
- drug used to stop blood from clotting
- Anticonvulsant
- drug used to stop seizures
- Antidiarrheal
- drug used to stop diarrhea
- Antidiuretic hormone
- hormone made by the pituitary gland that helps the kidneys keep water in the body by decreasing urine formation
- Antidote
- substance used to treat allergic reactions
- Antiemetic
- drug used to stop vomiting
- Antihistamine
- drug used to treat allergic reaction
- Antilipidemic
- a drug that decreases the level of fat(s) in the blood.
- Antimicrobial
- regarding a drug that kills bacteria and other germs
- Antinauseant
- drug used to stop nausea and vomiting
- Antipruitic
- drug used to stop itching
- Antiretroviral
- drug that inhibits certain viruses
- Antiseptic
- substance used to stop or slow down the growth of germs
- Antitussive
- a drug used to relieve coughing
- Antrectomy
- surgery to remove the lower part of the stomach
- Antrum
- lower part of the stomach
- Anuria
- no urine being made
- Anus
- ring of muscle that keeps the opening at the end of the digestive tract closed
- Aorta
- biggest artery in the body
- Aortic
- stenosis narrowing of the aorta where it comes out of the heart
- Aortogram
- x-ray of the aorta
- Apepsia
- without digestion
- Aphagia
- not able to swollow
- Aphasia
- not able to speak or write and not able to understand spoken or written words
- Apnea
- stopping of breathing
- Aponeurorrhaphy
- stitiching of an aponeurosis
- Aponeurosis
- strong tissue that joins muscle to bone
- Appendectomy
- surgery to remove the appendix
- Appendicitis
- inflammation of the appendix
- Appendix
- nearly, about
- Approximately
- nearly, about
- Aqueous humor
- liquid found in the front of the cavity of the eye
- Arachnoid
- middle layer of the meninges
- Areola
- dark-colored skin around the breast nipple
- Arrhythmia
- uneven heart beat
- Arteriogram
- x-ray using a dye to outline an artery
- Arterioles
- small branches of arteries
- Arteriorrhexis
- breaking of an artery
- Arteriorsclerosis
- hardening of the artery
- Artery
- the type of blood vessel that carries blood and oxygen from the heart to the rest of the body
- Arthralgia
- pain in a joint
- Arthritis
- inflammation of one or more joints
- Arthrocentesis
- use of a needle to remove fluid from a joint
- Arthroclasia
- surgery to free up a joint that it is stiff so it cannot move
- Arthrodesia
- surgery to fasten a joint so it cannot move
- Arthrogram
- x-ray of a joint
- Arthroplasty
- surgery to fix a joint
- Arthrosclerosis
- stiffening of the joints
- Arthroscope
- tool used to look into a joint
- Arthrotomy
- surgery to cut into a joint
- Articular cartilage
- smooth tissue that covers the bones inside a joint
- Artificial insemination
- use of a tool to put sperm into the vagina for the purpose of beginning pregnancy
- Ascites
- fluid in the belly
- Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
- substance in blood that is measured to detect liver disease
- Aspermia
- no sperm
- Asphyxia
- suffocation
- Aspirate
- removing a substance using suction
- Aspiration
- fluid entering lungs
- Assay
- lab test
- Assess
- to learn about
- Asthma
- breathing disorder in which there is a wheezing and difficulty breathing
- Astigmatism
- flaw in the curve of the eye
- Asymptomatic
- without symptoms
- Ataxia
- uncontrolled muscle movement; incoordination
- Atelectasis
- collapse of a lung
- Atherosclerosis
- hardening of the arteries
- Atraumatic
- not damaging to tissue
- Atrioventricular
- defect hole in the heart present at birth
- Atrophy
- wasting away, or decrease in size, of a body organ
- Audiogram
- report of a hearing test
- Audiologist
- doctor who studies hearing
- Audiology
- the study of hearing
- Audiometer
- tool used to measure hearing
- Audiometry
- measurement of hearing
- Aural
- having to do with the ear
- Auricle
- outside flap of the ear
- Auscultation
- use of a stethoscope to listen to sounds inside the body
- Autoimmune disease
- disorder in which a person’s immune system attacks parts of his or her own body
- Axilla
- armpit
- Bacteria
- type of germs
- Bacterial
- having to do with bacteria
- Bacterial analysis
- test used to detect and identify bacteria
- Bacterial endocarditis
- bacterial infection of the inner lining of the heart
- Bag of waters
- sack containing liquid that surrounds the unborn baby
- Balanitis
- inflammation of the end of the penis
- Balanorrhagia
- balanitis with discharge of pus from the end of the penis
- Balanorrhea
- discharge of fluid from the penis
- Barbiturates
- group of drugs that are used for different reasons, including general anesthesia, sedation, and stopping seizures
- Bartholin’s adentitis
- inflammation of the mucus-producing glands in the vagina
- Bartholin’s glands
- mucus-producing glands in the vagina
- Basal cell carcinoma
- tumor of the skin (type of skin cancer)
- Bayonet
- tool that is sharp like a knife
- Benign
- not cancerous; not malignant, usually without serious consequences, but with some exceptions, eg. benign brain tumor may have, serious consequences
- Benign prostatic hypertrophy
- increase in size of the prostate gland
- Beta blocker
- drug used to slow down the heart
- Beta-HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)
- substance in blood that is measured to detect cancer of the testicles
- Bicupsid valve
- a valve in the heart that controls the flow of blood by opening and closing with each heart beat
- Bilateral
- having to do with both sides of the body
- Bile
- brown-yellow-green liquid made in the liver and stored in the gallbladder that helps with digestion
- Bile duct
- tube that carries bile
- Bilirubin
- a substance found in bile- a high level of bilirubin in the blood causes jaundice
- Binding/Bound
- carried by, to make stick together, transported
- Binocular
- having to do with both eyes
- Bioavailability
- the extent to which a drug or other substance becomes available to the body
- Biopsy
- removal of tissue so it can be looked at under a microscope
- Bleeding time
- test to measure how long it takes for a small cut to stop bleeding
- Blepharitis
- inflammation of the eyelid
- Blepharoplasty
- surgery to fix the eyelid
- Blepharoptosis
- drooping of the upper eyelid
- Blood
- red liquid pumped by the heart
- Blood pressure (BP)
- the pressure of blood flowing through blood vessels
- Blood profile
- series of blood tests
- Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
- substance in blood that is measured to check kidney function
- Blood vessels
- tubes that carry blood through the body
- Bolus
- an amount given all at once
- Bone marrow
- soft tissue inside bones that makes blood cells
- Bone marrow biopsy
- use of a needle to remove bone marrow so that it can be looked at under a microscope
- Bone marrow transplant
- putting normal bone marrow from one person into another person
- Bone mass
- the amount of [calcium in a give amount of] bone
- Bowel
- the intestine
- Bradyarrhythmia
- slow irregular heart beat
- Bradycardia
- slow heart beat
- Bradykinesia
- moving slow
- Bradypepsia
- slow digestion
- Brain
- main part of the central nervous system
- Brain stem
- joins the brain to the spinal column
- Brand name
- commercial name for a drug
- Breasts
- milk-producing glands of women
- Breech birth
- when feet, buttocks, or knees come out before head at birth
- Bronchi
- more than one bronchus
- Bronchitis
- inflammation of the bronchi
- Brochoconstrictor
- drug used to make the bronchi tighten up and become narrower
- Bronchodilator
- drug used to make the bronchi open up and become bigger
- Bronchogenic
- beginning in the bronchus
- Bronchogram
- x-ray of the bronchi
- Bronchoplasty
- surgery to fix the bronchi
- Bronchopneumonia
- inflammation of the bronchi and lungs
- Bronchoscope
- tool used to look into the bronchi
- Bronchospasm
- sudden, uncontrolled narrowing of airways in lungs
- Bronchus
- tube that carries air from the bronchi
- Bulimia
- an eating disorder in which a person cannot stop eating and often vomits to make room for more food
- Bunion
- bone growth inside the base of the big toe
- Bursa
- small sack filled with liquid that cushions moving parts, such as two bones in a joint
- Bursitis
- inflammation of the bursa
- Bursolith
- stone in a bursa
- Bursotomy
- surgery to cut into a bursa
- Bypass
- an artificial passageway from one blood vessel to another to get around a blood clot
- Caffeine
- drug found in coffee and colas that speeds up the central nervous system, heart rate, and blood pressure
- Calcaneus
- heel bone
- Calcipenia
- low in calcium
- Cancellous
- bone a type of bone that looks like a sponge
- Cancer
- abnormal tissue that grows and spreads in the body until it kills
- chemotherapy
- treatment of cancer using drugs
- Cancer radiotherapy
- treatment of cancer using x-rays
- Cancerous
- having to do with cancer
- Capillary
- tiny blood vessel that connects arterioles to venules
- Carbohydrates
- type of fuel for the body that includes sugars and starches
- Carbuncle
- group of boils on the skin
- Carcinoembryonic antigen
- substance in blood that is measured to detect tumors of stomach or intestines
- Carcinogenic
- causing cancer
- Carcinoma
- type of cancer
- Cardiac
- having to do with the heart
- Cardiac arrest
- stopping of the heart
- Cardiac catheterization
- putting a catheter into the heart to test for or treat a heart problem
- Cardiac pacemaker
- battery-powered tool put under the skin to control the heart rate
- Cardiac scan
- ultrasonographic test to view the structure of the heart
- Cardiac tamponade
- squeezing of the heart caused by fluid or blood build-up in the sac around the heart
- Cardiodynia
- pain in the heart
- Cardiogenic
- beginning in the heart
- Cardiologist
- doctor who treats disorders of the heart
- Cardiology
- study of the heart
- Cardiomegaly
- disorder of the heart muscle
- Cardiomyopathy
- disorder of the heart muscle
- Cardiopulmonary bypass
- artificial passageway through which blood goes around the heart during open-heart surgery
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
- giving artificial respiration and heart massage to try to save a person whose breathing or heart has stopped
- Cardiotonic
- drug used to strengthen the pumping action of the heart
- Cardiovalvulitis
- inflammation of the heart valves
- Cardioversion
- use of electric shock to make the heart beat with normal rhythm
- Carpal
- having to do with the wrist
- Carpal bones
- wrist bones
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- painful disorder caused by a pinch nerve in the wrist
- Carpectomy
- surgery to remova a wrist bone
- Carpoptosis
- drooping wrist
- Cartilage
- a rubbery type of tissue that pads the joints and keeps the shape of the nose and outside ear flaps
- Cataract
- clouding of the lens of the eye
- Cathartic
- drug used to stop constipation
- Catheter
- flexible, tube-like tool used to take fluids out or put fluids into the body
- Catheter (indwelling epidural)
- a tube placed near the spinal cord used for anesthesia during an operation
- Caudal
- toward the lower side of an organ or structure
- Cecum
- the first part of the large intestine, which is shaped like a pouch
- Celiotomy
- surgery to cut into the abdominal cavity
- Cell
- the basic building block of all living things
- Cell membrane
- layer that surrounds a cell
- Cellulites
- inflammation of connective tissue
- Central nervous system (CNS)
- the brain and spinal cord
- Central nervous system drugs
- drugs that speed up or slow down the central nervous system
- Cephalagia
- headache
- Cephalic
- related to the head or the head end of the body
- Cephalosporin
- type of antibiotic
- Cerebellitis
- inflammation of the cerebellum
- Cerebellum
- the part of the brain that controls the movement of the muscles and helps maintain balance
- Cerebral
- having to do with the cerebrum
- Cerebral aneurysm
- aneurysm in the brain
- Cerebral angiography
- x-ray of the blood vessels in the brain
- Cerebral palsy (CP)
- birth disorder of the brain that results in difficulty moving
- Cerebral thrombosis
- blood clot in the brain
- Cerebral trauma
- damage to the brain
- Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
- the liquid around and in the brain and spinal cord
- Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
- stroke
- Cerebrum
- largest part of the brain, divided into right and left side
- Cerumen
- ear wax
- Ceruminoma
- growth inside the gland that discharges ear wax
- Cervical vertebrae
- bones of the neck
- Cervicectomy
- surgery to remove the cervix
- Cervicitis
- inflammation of the cervix
- Cessation
- stopping
- Chalazion
- pimple on the eyelid caused by an inflamed gland
- Cheilorrhaphy
- surgery to stitch a lip
- Chemical name
- chemical formula for a drug (generic)
- Chemotherapeutic agent
- anticancer drug
- Chemotherapy
- treatment of disease using drugs
- Chest cavity
- space where the heart, lungs, esophagus, traches, bronchi, and thymus are located
- Chiropodist
- doctor who treats disorders of the feet
- Chiropractor
- doctor who treats disorders of the spine and nerves
- Chisel
- wedge-like tool with a blade that is used for cutting or chipping
- Chlamydia
- type of germ that usually infects the eyes, lungs, or sex organs
- Chloasma
- a tumor arising from the skin and other organs
- Cholangiogram
- x-ray of the gallbladder and bile ducts
- Cholangioma
- cancer of a bile duct
- Cholecystectomy
- surgery to remove the gallbladder
- Cholecystitis
- inflammation of the gallbladder
- Choledocholithiasis
- gallstonees in a bile duct
- Choledocholithotripsy
- surgery to crush gallstones in a bile duct
- Cholelithiasis
- gallstones
- Cholinergic
- type of nerve or a drug used to change its action
- Chondrectomy
- surgery to remove cartilage
- Chondromalacia
- softening of joint cartilage, usually inside the knee
- Chorioamnionitis
- inflammation of the tissue that covers the unborn baby
- Chorion
- outside layer of the tissue that covers the unbron baby
- Choroids
- middle layer of the eyeball
- Chromosomes
- structures that hold the genes
- Chronic
- lasting a long time
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- lung disorder in which the flow of air to the lungs is blocked (e.g., emphysema)
- Cicatrix
- scar
- Circumcision
- surgery to remove the foreskin
- Cirrhosis
- serious liver disorder in which connective tissue replaces normal liver tissue, and liver failure often occurs
- Cisplatin
- a drug used to kill cancer cells.
- Clavicle
- collarbone
- Cleft lip and palate
- birth defect in which there is a split in the lip and the roof of the mouth
- Clinical
- pertaining to medical care.
- Clinical trial
- research study
- Clinically Significant
- of major importance for treating or evaluating patients
- Clip
- metal fastener used to join or close the edges of a wound
- Clitoris
- sensitive female sex tissue located above the opening for urination
- Coagulation time
- measure of how long it takes for blood to clot in a test tube
- Coarctation of the aorta
- birth disorder in which an area of the aorta is very narrow
- Coccyx
- tailbone
- Cochlea
- the organ of hearing inside the ear
- Coitus
- sexual intercourse between a man and a woman
- Colectomy
- surgery to remove part or all of the colon
- Colonoscope
- tool used to look into the colon
- Colostomy
- an opening, or the surgery to make an opening, between the colon and the outside of the body
- Colpitis
- inflammation of the vagina
- Colporrhaphy
- stitching of the vagina
- Colposcope
- tool with magnifying glass used to look into the vagina and at the cervix
- Coma
- varying degrees of unconsciousness from which a person may not awaken
- Compact bone
- hard layers of the bone
- Compensation
- payment, money
- Complete response
- total disappearance of disease
- Complications
- difficulties, problems
- Computerized tomography (CT)
- x-ray machine that uses a computer to make pictures of the organs of the body; computerized series of x-rays culture test for infection or organisms that could cause infection
- Computerized axial tomography (CAT)
- x-ray machine that uses a computer to make pictures of the body; computerized series of x-rays culture test for infection or organisms that could cause infection
- Conception
- the beginning of pregnancy when the fertilized egg implants in the uterus
- Concomitant
- given at the same time
- Concussion
- uncnsciousness resulting from a blow to the head affecting the brain
- Condom
- cover worn over the penis during sexual intercourse to prevent infecion or pregnancy
- Congenital
- occurring prior to birth, due to parent’s genetic input
- Congenital anomaly
- birth defect
- Congenital heart disease (CHD)
- heart disease present at birth
- Congestive Heart failure (CHF)
- failure of the heart resulting in fluid build-up in the lungs, other body tissues, or both
- Conjunctiva
- tissue that lines the eyelids and covers part of the eye inside its sockets
- Conjunctivitis
- inflammation of the conjunctiva; irritation and redness of the thin membrane covering the eye
- Connective tissue
- type of tissue that connects, supports, touches, and surrounds various body parts
- Conscious
- awake and aware
- Consequences
- outcomes, results
- Consolidation phase
- treatment phase intended to make a remission permanent, follows induction
- Constipation
- decreased number of or difficulty making bowel movements
- Contraindications
- medical reasons that prevent a person from using a certain drig or treatment
- Controlled trial
- study in which the experimental treatment or procedure is compared to a standard (control) treatment or procedure.
- Contusion
- bruise
- Convulsion
- seizure
- Coombs’ test
- blood test to detect antibodies against red blood cells that is used in analyzing blood problems and crossmatching blood for transfusions
- Cooperative group
- association of multiple institutions to perform clinical trials
- Cor pulmonale
- heart disease or heart failure caused by a disorder of the lungs
- Cornea
- clear tissue covering the front part of the eye
- Corneoiritis
- inflammation of the cornea and iris
- Coronary
- pertains to the blood vessels that supply the heart
- Coronary artery
- artery that supplies blood to the heart
- Coronary artery byass graft (CABG)
- surgery to make a new passgaeway for blood to the heart
- Coronary ischemia
- not enough blood going to the heart
- Coronary thrombosis
- blood clot in a coronary artery
- Corpus
- main portion of a body part or organ
- Cortex
- outer layer of an organ or other structure in the body
- Cortical
- having to do with a cortex
- Corticotropin
- hormone made by the brain that activates the adrenal glands
- Cortisol
- important hormone made by the adrenal gland that affects metabolism and mineral balance
- Costectomy
- surgery to remove a rib
- Cough
- sudden, loud flow if air from the lungs
- see cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
- Cranial
- related to the head or top of the body
- Cranial cavity
- space inside the skull that holds the brain
- Cranioplasty
- surgery to fix the skull
- Craniotomy
- surgery on the skull or to make an opening in the skull
- Cranium bifidum
- birth defect in which there is a crack in the skull
- Creatinine clearance test
- blood test used to see if the kidneys can effectively remove creatinine from the blood
- Cretinism
- a birth defect in which lack of thyroid hormone results in stopping of physical and mental development
- Crohn’s disease
- serious inflammation of any part of the gastrointestinal tract Crossmatch blood test to check if it is safe to give blood transfusion to a person
- Croup
- children’s breathing disorder resulting in coughing and harsh breathing
- Cryoextraction of the lens
- surgery using low temperatures to remove a cataract
- Cryoretinopexy
- surgery of the innermost layer of the eye
- Culdocentesis
- removal of fluid from the pouch between the vagina and the rectum
- Culdoscope
- tool used to look into the pouch between the vagina and the rectum
- Cumulation
- increased action of a drug when given over a period of time
- Cumulative
- total sum (of individual events, experiences, treatments)
- Curt (curette)
- spoon shaped tool used for scraping or cutting
- Curved
- having a curved handle or a curved blade
- Cushing’s syndrome
- disorder caused by too much of the adrenal hormones or long-time use of cortisone-type drugs in which there are many symptoms, including a fat, round face and weakness
- Cutaneous
- relating to the skin
- Cyanosis
- blue color of tissues such as the skin or gums caused by too little oxygen
- Cyesiology
- the study of pregnancy
- Cyesis
- pregnancy
- Cyst
- any closed sac in the body, especially one that contains fluid or semisolid material
- Cystectomy
- surgery to remove the urinary bladder or gallbladder, also, removal of a cyst
- Cystic fibrosis (CF)
- genetic disorder of glands resulting in lung and digestive problems
- Cystitis
- inflammation of the urinary bladder
- Cystocele
- type of hernia in which the urinary bladder bulges into the vagina
- Cystogram
- x-ray of the urinary bladder
- Cystolith
- stone in the urinary bladder
- Cystolithotomy
- surgery to remove a stone from the urinary bladder
- Cystoscope
- tool used to look into the urinary bladder
- Cystostomy
- surgery to make an opening into the urinary bladder
- Cystotrachelotomy
- surgical cut into the neck of the urinary bladder
- Cystoureterogram
- x-ray of the urinary bladder and ureters
- Cytogenic
- making cells
- Cytoid
- like a cell
- Cytology
- the study of cells
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
- type of herpes virus
- Cytoplasm
- material inside a cell
- Ecchymosis
- black and blue mark; bruise
- Echocardiogram
- picture of the heart in motion made using ultrasonography
- Echoencephalography
- use of ultrasonography to record the shape of the brain
- Eclampsia
- convulsions in a pregnant woman caused by high blood pressure and other medical problems
- Ectopic pregnancy
- pregnancy growing outside the uterus, often in fallopian tubes
- Eczema
- type of itchy skin rash
- Edema
- swelling caused by fluid held in the tissues
- Efferent
- going away from the center of the body
- Efficacy
- effectiveness
- Ejaculation
- discharge of semen from the penis during the climax of sexual intercourse
- Electrocardiogram (ECG)
- picture of the electrical action of the heart
- Electrocardiograph
- machine that records the electrical action of the heart
- Electroencephalogram (EEG)
- picture of brain wave activity
- Electroencephalograph
- machine that records brain wave activity
- Electrolyte imbalance
- imbalance of salts or chemicals in the blood
- Elevator
- tool used for lifting tissue
- Embolectomy
- surgery to remove a blood clot
- Embolus
- blood clot
- Embryo
- unborn baby from 2 to 8 weeks after it is formed
- Embryoid
- looking like an embryo
- Embryology
- the study of the development of the unborn baby
- Emesis
- vomiting
- Emetic
- drug used to make a person vomit; useful in treating poisoning
- Emmetropia
- normal condition of the eye when light focuses correctly on the retina
- Emollient
- substance that softens the skin
- Emphysema
- disorder in which too much air collects deep in the lungs
- Empiric
- based on experience
- Encephalitis
- inflammation of the brain
- Encephalomyeloradiculitis
- inflammation of the brain, the spinal cord, and the spinal nerve roots
- Encephalosclerosis
- hardening of the brain
- Endocervicitis
- inflammation of the inner lining of the cervix
- Endocrinologist
- doctor who treats disorders of the glands that make hormones
- Endocrinopathy
- disease of the glands that make hormones; hormonal imbalance
- Endometriosis
- growths outside of the uterus made up of the tissues that lines the uterus
- Endometritis
- inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus
- Endometrium
- inner lining of the uterus
- Endophthalmitis
- inflammation of the contents of the eye
- Endorphin
- substance made by the body to stop pain
- Endoscope
- tool used to look into body structures and hollow organs, such as the stomach
- Endoscopic examination
- examination of an internal part of the body with a lighted tube; looking at a part of the body with a lighted tube.
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)
- x-ray of the bile and pancreatic ducts made using an endoscope
- Endosteum
- tissue that lines the inside of bone
- Endotracheal
- inside the windpipe
- Enema
- liquid that is injected into the rectum to promote bowel movement
- Enteral
- by way of the intestines
- Enterorrhaphy
- surgery to stitch the intestine
- Enucleation
- surgery to remove the eye
- Epidermal
- having to do with the outer layer of the skin
- Epidermis
- outer layer of skin
- Epididymis
- tubes that stores and carries sperm
- Epidural
- outside the spinal cord
- Epigastric region
- area above the navel
- Epiglottis
- flap of skin that keeps food from going down the windpipe
- Epiglottitis
- inflammation of the epiglottis
- Epilepsy
- seizure disorder
- Epinephrine
- hormone made by the adrenal glands that speeds up body organs and helps the body deal with stress
- Epiphysis
- growth area of a long bone
- Episioperineoplasty
- surgery to fix the vulva and perineum
- Episiorrhaphy
- stitching a tear in the vulva
- Episiotomy
- surgical cut in the vagina to keep it from tearing when a baby is being born
- Epistaxis
- nosebleed
- Epithelial
- having to do with the epithelium
- Epithelioma
- benign or malignant growth made up of epithelial tissue
- Epithelium
- type of tissue that covers the outside of the body and makes up the lining and outer layers of most body organs and parts
- Equivalent
- equal, same
- Eradicating
- getting rid of (such as a disease)
- Erythema
- redness
- Erythrocyte count
- the number of erythrocytes in the blood
- Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
- blood test that measures how long it takes for erythrocytes to sink to the bottom of a tube- used to check for inflammation in the body
- Erythrocytes
- cells in blood that carry oxygen; red blood cells
- Erythrocytosis
- increase in number of red blood cells
- Erythroderma
- red skin
- Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
- use of an endoscope to look into the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum
- Esophagoscope
- tool used to look into the esophagus
- Estrogen
- female sex hormone
- Estrogen receptor assay
- blood test used to detect tumor cells in patients with breast cancer
- Etiology
- the cause or causes of an illness
- Eupnea
- normal breathing
- Eustachian tube
- tube that connects the middle ear and the throat
- Evaluated
- assessed; examined for medical condition
- Eversion
- turning inside out
- Excretion
- the way that substances leave the body
- Exophthalmic
- has a bulging eyeball or eyeballs
- Exophthalmos
- bulging of one or both eyeballs
- Exostosis
- bony growth on the surface of a bone
- Expedited review
- rapid review of a protocol by human subjects committee chair without full committee approval, permitted with certain low-risk research
- Extension
- the straight position of an arm or leg
- External
- outside the body
- External auditory meatus
- opening or passageway between the outside of the ear and the eardrum
- External ear
- outside part of the ear
- External genitalia
- sex organs on the outside of the body: penis, scrotum, and urethra in men; vulva, clitoris, and urethra in women
- Extracorporeal
- outside of the body
- Extravasation
- escape of blood from blood vessels and into tissue
- Fallopian tube
- tube attached to the uterus down which the egg travels from the ovary to the uterus
- Fasting blood sugar
- blood test used to measure the amount of sugar in the blood after not eating or drinking for a set amount of time
- Feces
- material excreted during bowel movement
- Femoral
- having to do with the thigh area
- Femoropopliteal bypass
- surgery to make a passageway from one artery to another in the leg
- Femur
- thigh bone
- Fetus
- unborn baby from 9 weeks after it is formed until it is born
- Fibrillation
- fast uncontrolled heart beat; irregular beat of the heart or other muscle
- Fibroid tumor
- growth made up of fibrous tissue
- Fibrous
- having many fibers, such as scar tissue
- Fibula
- the lower leg bone behind the shin
- Fimbria
- tissue that looks like a fringe on the end of the uterine tubes
- Fine
- having thin jaws or tips, such as a tool used for delicate or small procedures
- Fissure
- crack or groove in tissue
- Flatus
- passing gas
- Flexion
- bent position of the arm or leg
- Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption (FTA-ABS) test
- blood test used to detect syphilis
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
- government agency that regulates foods and drugs
- Forceps
- tool with two blades and a handle used for handling tissue or dressings
- Foreskin
- fold of skin that covers the penis and is removed in circumcision
- Fracture
- broken bone
- Fulguration
- use of electric sparks to remove tissue such as tumors
- Fundus
- top of the uterus; or back of the eye
- Fungal
- having to do with fungi
- Fungal test
- test used to detect and identify a fungus
- Fungi
- more than one fungus
- Fungus
- type of living organisms, such as yeasts, molds, and mushrooms, some of which cause infection and some of which look like plants
- Furuncle
- painful skin boil
- Gait
- the way a person walks
- Galactorrhea
- too much discharge of milk from the breast
- Gallbladder
- small sack under the liver that holds bile
- Gamma globulin
- type of protein that helps the body fight infection
- Ganglion
- group of nerve cells found outside the central nervous system; or a benign tumor on muscle connective tissue or on a tendon
- Ganglionectomy
- surgery to remove a ganglion
- Ganglionitis
- inflammation of a ganglion
- Gangrene
- death of tissue caused by loss of blood flow and usually followed by infection
- Gastrectomy
- surgery to remove all or part of the stomach
- Gastric lavage
- washing the stomach out
- Gastric ulcer
- sore in the stomach
- Gastritis
- inflammation of the stomach
- Gastriodynia
- pain in the stomach
- Gastroenteritis
- inflammation of the stomach and intestines
- Gastroscope
- tool used to look into the stomach
- Gastrostomy
- surgery to make an opening from the outside of the body into the stomach
- Gavage
- feeding a person through a tube that goes into the stomach
- General anesthesia
- physical state of unconsciousness and loss of pain sensation caused by anesthetic drugs
- Generic name
- chemical name for a drug
- Genes
- material passed from parent to child that determines the make-up of the body and mind
- Genetic
- having to do with the genes
- Genital
- having to do with the sex organs
- Genital herpes
- disease caused by a herpesvirus in which there are blisters on the genitalia
- Genitalia
- male and female sex organs
- Gestational
- pertaining to pregnancy
- Gingival
- the gums
- Gingivectomy
- surgery to remove gum tissue
- Gingivitis
- inflammation of the gums
- Gland
- tissue that produces a material, such as the saliva or a hormone
- Glans penis
- end of the penis
- Glaucoma
- increased pressure inside the eye that causes visual problems
- Globulins
- proteins in the blood
- Glomerulonephritis
- inflammation of the kidney
- Glomerulus
- place in the kidney where urine is formed
- Glossitis
- inflammation of the tongue
- Glossopathy
- disease of the tongue
- Glossorrhaphy
- surgery to stitch the tongue
- Glucocorticoids
- drugs or natural substances made by the adrenal glands that have many effects on body metabolism, raise sugar level in the blood, and reduce inflammation
- Glucose
- type of sugar found in the blood
- Glucose tolerance test
- test that measures blood sugar levels over a certain amount of time in a patient after he drinks a beverage that contains a measured amount of sugar
- Glycosuria
- sugar in urine
- Gonad
- sex gland: female ovary or male testicle
- Gonorrhea
- type of bacterial infection in the sex organs and sometimes in the skin and joints
- Gout
- disorder in which crystals of uric acid deposit in and around joints, causing pain and arthritis
- Granulocytopenia
- drop in white blood cell count
- Growth hormone (GH)
- hormone made by the pituitary gland that controls the growth of the body
- Guaiac test
- test for blood in stool
- Gynecologist
- doctor who treat disorders of the sex organs of women
- Gynecology
- the study of the reproductive system of women
- Hair
- thin strands of protein that grow up from the hair follicles
- Heart
- muscle that moves or pumps blood through the body
- Heart failure
- when the heart inadequately pumps blood through the body
- Heart murmur
- swishing sound, heard when listening to the heart through a stethoscope, caused by abnormal flow of blood through the heart
- Hematemesis
- blood in vomit
- Hematocrit
- the percentage of blood made up of red blood cells
- Hematocytopenia
- not enough blood cells
- Hematologist
- doctor who treats blood disorders
- Hematology
- the study of blood
- Hematoma
- pocket of blood caused by bleeding from a broken blood vessel; a bruise; appears “black and blue”
- Hematopoiesis
- the making of blood cells
- Hematosalpinx
- blood in the uterine tube
- Hematuria
- blood in the urine
- Hemiparesis
- muscle weakness or partial paralysis, usually with loss of feeling, on half of the body
- Hemiplegia
- total loss of muscle movement, usually with loss of feeling, on half of the body
- Hemodialysis
- method used to remove waste material from the blood
- Hemodynamic
- related to blood flow
- Hemoglobin (Hgb)
- substance that carries oxygen and gives blood its red color
- Hemolysis
- bursting open of red blood cells
- Hemophilia
- genetic defect in which blood clots too slowly
- Hemorrhage
- bleeding, escape of blood from blood vessels
- Hemorrhoidectomy
- surgery to remove hemorrhoids
- Hemorrhoids
- twisted and bulging veins in the rectal area
- Hemostasis
- the stopping of bleeding
- Hemothorax
- blood in the chest cavity
- Heparin lock
- needle placed in the arm with blood thinner to keep the blood from clotting inside the needle or tubing
- Hepatitis
- inflammation of the liver
- Hepatoma
- growth on the liver
- Heritable disease
- a disease which can be transmitted to one’s offspring resulting in damage to future children
- Hernia
- bulging of an organ through an abnormal opening in a muscle wall
- Herniated disk
- breaking of a ring-shaped pad in the spine, which often pinches a nerve; slipped disk
- Herniorrhaphy
- surgery to fix a hernia
- Herpes
- groups of tiny blisters found on the skin caused by infection with a herpesvirus
- Heterosexual
- person who is attracted to the opposite sex
- Hiccup
- sudden, uncontrolled spasm of the diaphragm
- Hidradenitis
- inflammation of a sweat gland
- Hip bone
- bone at the lower part of the body trunk
- Hirsutism
- abnormal hairiness (in women, an adult male pattern of hair distribution
- Histology
- the study of tissue under the microscope
- Histopathologic
- pertaining to the disease status of body tissues or cells
- Hodgkin’s disease
- a cancer of white blood cells
- Holter monitor
- a portable machine for recording heart beats
- Homosexual
- person who is attracted to the same sex
- Hordeolum
- infection of the oil glands of the eyelids; stye
- Hormone
- substance made by a gland in the body that regulates another part of the body
- Hospital formulary
- list of drugs and their proper doses maintained by each hospital
- Humeral
- having to do with the upper arm bone
- Humerus
- upper arm bone
- Hydrocephalus
- increase in fluid in usually causing pressure on the brain; water on the brain
- Hydronephrosis
- abnormal collection of urine in the kidney causing a swollen kidney
- Hydrosalpinx
- fluid in the uterine tube
- Hymen
- fold of tissue at the opening of the vagina
- Hymenectomy
- surgery to remove the hymen
- Hypercalcemia
- too much calcium in the blood
- Hypercapnia
- too much carbon dioxide in the blood
- Hyperesthesia
- very sensitive to touch
- Hyperglycemia
- too much sugar in the blood
- Hyperkalemia
- too much potassium in the blood
- Hyperkinesis
- overactive movements
- Hypernatremia
- high blood sodium level
- Hyperopia
- farsightedness
- Hyperplasia
- abnormal increase in the number of normal cells
- Hypertension
- high blood pressure
- Hypertensive heart disease
- heart problems caused by high blood pressure
- Hyperthyroidism
- overactive thyroid gland
- Hyperventilation
- breathing that is too fast
- Hypnotic
- drug used to make a person sleep
- Hypocalcemia
- not enough calcium in the blood
- Hypocapnia
- not enough carbon dioxide on the blood
- Hypochondriac region
- area to the right or left above the naval
- Hypodermic
- under the skin
- Hypodermic injection
- injection of a substance under the skin
- Hypoesthesia
- state of having less than normal sensitivity to stimulation
- Hypogastric region
- area below the naval
- Hypoglycemia
- not enough sugar in the blood
- Hypokalemia
- not enough potassium in the blood
- Hyponatrenia
- low blood sodium level
- Hyponea
- weak, slow breathing
- Hypospadias
- birth defect in which the urethra opens under the penis instead of the tip of the penis
- Hypotension
- low blood pressure
- Hypothermia
- low body temperature
- Hypothyroidism
- underactive thyroid gland
- Hypotonia
- decreased muscle tone
- Hypoventilation
- too little air entering the lungs
- Hypoxemia
- not enough oxygen in the blood
- Hypoxia
- not enough oxygen in the tissues
- Hysteratresia
- birth defect in which the uterus does not open to the outside of the body
- Hysterectomy
- surgery to remove the uterus
- Hysteropexy
- surgery to fasten down the uterus in its normal position
- Hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy
- surgery to remove all of the internal female reproductive organs
- Hysterosalpingography
- taking an x-ray of the uterus and the uterine tubes using a dye to outline them
- Hysteroscope
- tool used to look into the uterus
- Iatrology
- the science of medicine
- Iatrogenic
- caused by a physician or by treatment
- Icterus
- too much bile in the blood causing a yellow color to the skin, gums, eye, and other tissues
- Idiopathic
- of unknown cause
- Idiosyncrasy
- rare side effect of a drug; unusual reaction of a person to a drug
- Ileocecal
- having to do with the ileum and the cecum
- Ileum
- third and last part of the small intestine
- Ileus
- blockage of the intestines
- Iliac regions
- areas to the right and left below the naval
- Iliofemoral
- having to do with the hip and thigh bones
- Ilium
- wing-shaped upper part of the hip bone
- Immune globulins
- proteins that help protect the body from infection and foreign matter
- Immune system
- the cells and substances that protect the body from infection and foreign matter
- Immunity
- protection against infection
- Immunodeficiency
- weakness of the immune system
- Immunosuppressive
- drug which suppresses the body’s immune response used in transplantation and diseases caused by disordered immunity
- Immunotherapy
- giving of drugs to help the body’s immune (protective) system; usually used to destroy cancer cells
- Impaired function
- abnormal function
- Impedance plethysmography
- test used to find blood clots
- Impetigo
- skin infection
- Implanted
- placed in the body
- Impotent
- not able to have or to keep an erection during sexual intercourse
- Incontinence
- not able to control bladder or bowel actions
- Induction phase
- beginning phase or stage of a treatment
- Induration
- hard spot; hardening
- Indwelling
- remaining in a given location, such as a catheter
- Infarct
- death of tissue because of lack of blood supply
- Infectious disease
- disease which is transmitted from one person to next
- Inferior
- toward the lower part of the body
- Inflammation
- swelling, redness, and pain in tissues caused by injury or damage
- Influenza
- the flu
- Infusion
- placing a liquid substance into a vein by letting it flow in with gravity
- Ingestion
- eating; taking by mouth
- Inhalant
- substance given through the nose or mouth to reach the lungs
- Insulin
- the hormone that controls blood sugar levels
- Interferon
- agent which acts against viruses; antiviral agent
- Interictal
- happening between seizures
- Intermittent
- occurring (regularly or irregularly) between two time points; alternately ceasing and beginning
- Intermittent claudication
- pain and weakness in the legs when walking is impossible and then goes away after a rest
- Internal
- within the body
- Interior
- inside of the body
- Intervertebral disks
- pads found between each ring (bone) in the spine
- Intracavity injection
- injection of a substance into a body cavity
- Intracoronary thrombolytic therapy
- injection of medicine to dissolve a blood clot in an artery of the heart
- Intracranial
- inside the skull
- Intradermally
- given into the skin
- Intradermal injection
- injection of a substance into the skin
- Intradermal tests
- allergy tests performed by injecting allergy-causing substances underneath the skin to see if they cause a reaction
- Intramuscular
- into the muscle; within the muscle
- Intramuscular injection (IM)
- injection of a substance into a muscle (e.g., upper arm pr backside)
- Intraocular
- within the eye
- Intraperitoneal
- into the abdominal cavity
- Intrathecal injection
- injection of a substance into the space surrounding the spinal cord (i.e., spinal canal)
- Intravenous (IV) injection
- injection of a substance into a vein
- Intravenous pyelogram
- x-ray of the kidneys and ureters using dye that is injected into the blood
- Intravesical
- in the bladder
- Intubate
- the placement of a tube into the airway
- Intussusception
- telescoping of the intestine into itself
- Invasive procedure
- puncture, opening or cutting of the skin
- Inversion
- turning inward
- Investigation
- study
- Investigational device exemption (IDE)
- the license to test an unapproved new medical device
- Investigational method
- a treatment method which has not been proven to be beneficial or has not been accepted as standard care
- Investigational new drug (IND)
- the license to test an unapproved new drug
- Iritis
- inflammation of the iris
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- bowel disorder in which there is pain and diarrhea or constipation
- Ischemia
- localized tissue anemia due to obstruction of the inflow of arterial blood
- Ischium
- lower part of the pelvic bone, part you sit on
- Islets of Langerhans
- tissue in the pancreas that makes and discharges insulin and other hormones
- Isthmus
- thin strip of tissue that joins two parts of the body
- Jaundice
- too much bile in the blood causing a yellow color to the skin, gums, eye, and other tissues
- Jejunum
- second and longest part of the small intestine
- Kaposi’s sarcoma
- purple or brown cancerous pimples on the skin, often associated with AIDS
- Karyocyte
- cell with a center
- Karyoplasms
- material inside the center of a cell
- Keloid
- type of scar tissue that keeps growing inside
- Keratin
- protein that is found in the hair, nails, and skin
- Keratoplasty
- surgery to fix the cornea
- Ketone bodies
- substances that increase in the blood and urine when too much body fat and too many carbohydrates are being broken down, usually because of starvation or serious, untreated diabetes mellitus
- Kidney
- one of two organs in the lower back that filter blood and make urine
- Knife
- tool with a sharp blade used for cutting tissue
- Kyphosis
- hunchback
- Labyrinth
- structure in the inner ear
- Labyrinthectomy
- surgery to remove the inner ear
- Labyrinthitis
- inflammation of the inner ear
- Laceration
- torn, ragged cut
- Lacrimal
- having to do with the tears
- Lacrimal duct
- passageway in the eyelids that drains tears; a type of tear duct
- Lactating
- making milk
- Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH)
- substance measured in a blood test to assess damage to heart and other organs
- Lactogenic
- causing the making of breast milk
- Lactorrhea
- too much discharge of milk from the breast
- Laminectomy
- surgery to remove the top of vertebra
- Laparoscope
- tool used to look into the abdominal cavity
- Laparotomy
- surgery to make an opening into the wall of the belly to look inside with a laparoscope
- Large intestine
- the bowel between the small intestine and the anus, including the cecum, colon, and rectum
- Laryngeal
- having to do with the voice box
- Laryngectomy
- surgery to remove the voice box
- Laryngitis
- inflammation of the voice box
- Laryngocentesis
- surgery to puncture the voice box
- Laryngoplasty
- surgery to fix the voice box
- Laryngoscope
- tool used to look into the voice box
- Laryngospasm
- sudden, uncontrolled cramp in the voice box
- Laryngostomy
- surgery to make an opening into the voice box
- Laryngotracheobronchitis
- inflammation of the larynx, windpipe, and bronchi; croup
- Larynx
- voice box
- Laser angioblast
- using a laser light to open blocked arteries
- Lateral
- toward or having to do with the side of the body
- Latex agglutination test
- blood test used to detect antibodies
- Laxative
- drug used to stop constipation
- LE (lupus erythematosus)-cell test
- blood test used to detect the presence of a certain type of white blood cell seen in people with lupus erythematosus and similar disorders
- Legionnaires’ disease
- serious disorder caused by bacterial infection in which there is high fever, stomach pain, headache, and pneumonia
- Leiodermia
- disorder in which the skin is too smooth and shiny
- Leiomyoma
- smooth muscle growth
- Leiomyosarcoma
- cancer of smooth muscle
- Lens
- structure in the eye that is normally clear and helps to focus light coming into the eye
- Lesion
- abnormal area of tissue, such as a wound, sore, rash, or boil
- Lethargy
- sleepiness
- Leukemia
- cancer of white blood cells
- Leukocoria
- white pupil
- Leukocyte
- one of the infection-fighting cells in the blood and body tissues; white blood cells
- Leukocyte count
- number of white blood cells in the blood
- Leukocytosis
- increase in number of white blood cells in the blood
- Leukoderma
- white skin
- Leukokoria
- white pupil
- Leukopenia
- low white blood cell count
- Libido
- sexual desire
- Ligament
- elastic tissue that connects bone or cartilage
- Lipid
- fat
- Lipid tests
- blood tests that measure how much fat is in the blood
- Lipoid
- fatty
- Lipoma
- growth made up of fat cells
- Lipoprotein electrophoresis
- blood test that measures the amounts of fat and protein in the blood
- Lithotripsy
- surgery or other method to crush a stone
- Liver
- large organ that helps in many body functions, including digestion, metabolism, and storage of substances
- Lobar pneumonia
- bacterial infection of one or more sections of the lung
- Lobectomy
- surgery to remove a section of the lung
- Local anesthesia
- creation of insensitivity to pain in a small local area of the body
- Localized
- restricted to one area; limited to one area (of the body)
- Lochia
- normal discharge from the vagina for 1 to 2 weeks after childbirth
- Long bone
- bone that is long and slender, such as a leg or arm bone
- Lordosis
- forward curving of the spine, causing saddle back or swayback
- Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS)
- muscle disorder
- Lower GI (gastrointestinal) series
- x-ray using a dye given as an enema to outline the large intestine
- Lumbar puncture
- spinal tap using a needle to remove spinal fluid for testing from the lowerback
- Lumbar region
- lower back of the body
- Lumbar vertebrae
- bones of the spine in the lower back
- Lumen
- the space inside a tube-like body structure, such as a blood vessel
- Lung lobe
- one of five sections of the two lungs
- Lungs
- the two main organs for breathing
- Lupus erythematosus (LE)
- chronic disorders of connective tissue in which there can be skin rash, arthritis, kidney problems, and anemia, among other problems
- Lymph
- clear liquid tissue
- Lymph node
- tissue that filters disease germs from the blood; also called a lymph gland
- Lymphadenitis
- inflammation of the lymph nodes
- Lymphadenography
- x-ray of the lymph nodes
- Lymphangiography
- an x-ray of the lymph nodes or tissues after injection of dye in lymph vessels (e g in feet)
- Lymphocyte
- type of white blood cell important in the body’s defense against infection
- Lymphoid tissue
- tissue that contains lymphocytes
- Lymphoma
- cancerous growth made up of lymphoid tissue, particularly lymphocytes
- Macro-
- describes something that is large or long
- Macule
- flat, colored spot on the skin
- Magnetic resonance imagining (MRI)
- the use of magnetic waves to look at soft tissues of the body
- Malaise
- a vague feeling of bodily discomfort, feeling bad
- Malfunction
- condition in which something is not functioning properly
- Malignant
- cancerous
- Mallet
- hammer-like tool used for striking objects
- Mammary glands
- milk-producing tissue in the breasts
- Mammary papilla
- breast nipple
- Mammogram
- x-ray of the breast
- Mammoplasty
- surgery to reconstruct the breast
- Mandible
- lower jaw bone
- Mantoux test
- skin test used to check for tuberculosis
- Mastalgia
- pain in the breast
- Mastectomy
- surgery to remove a breast
- Mastitis
- inflammation of the mammary gland or of the breast
- Mastoid cells
- air spaces inside the mastoid process
- Mastoid process
- protruding part of a bone located in the skull behind the ear
- Mastoidectomy
- surgery to remove the mastoid process or mastoid cells
- Mastoiditis
- inflammation of the air spaces in the mastoid process that communicate with the middle ear
- Mastoidotomy
- surgery to cut into the mastoid process
- Mastoptosis
- drooping breasts
- Maxilla
- upper jaw bone
- Maxillectomy
- surgery to remove the upper jaw bone
- Maxillitis
- inflammation of the upper jaw bone
- Meconium
- first stool of the newborn
- Medial
- toward or having to do with the middle of the body
- Medications
- medicines, drugs
- Mediastinum
- tissue and organs in the middle of the chest between the two lungs
- Medulla oblongata
- part of the brain that controls breathing, blood pressure, and otherimportant body functions; brain stem
- Medulloblastoma
- type of brain tumor
- Meibomian cyst
- pimple on the eyelid caused by an inflamed gland (stye)
- Melanin
- material that makes the color of the skin and hair
- Melanoma
- cancerous black growth on the skin
- Melasma
- a blotchy brown stain on the skin, usually over the cheeks, forehead, or neck; often associated with pregnancy, menopause, or the use of oral contraceptives
- Menarche
- time in life when a girl starts having a menstrual period
- Meniere’s disease
- disorder of the inner ear in which there is dizziness, ringing in the ears, and loss of hearing
- Meninges
- three-layered tissue that covers the brain and spinal cord
- Meningitis
- inflammation of the meninges
- Meningocele
- bulging of the meninges through a hole in bone
- Meningomyeloradiculitis
- inflammation of the meninges and roots of the spinal nerves
- Meniscectomy
- surgery to remove a meniscus
- Meniscitis
- inflammation of the meninges and roots of the spinal nerves
- Meniscus
- one of two crescent-shaped pads inside the knee joint
- Menometrorrhagia
- too much bleeding from the uterus during menstruation and at other times
- Menopause
- time in life when a woman stops having a menstrual period
- Menses
- discharge of blood and tissue from the uterus that happens about every 4 weeks in women who are not pregnant
- Menstrual
- having to do with menstruation
- Menstrual period
- the time of menstruation
- Menstruation
- discharge of blood and tissue from the uterus that happens about every 4 weeks in women who are not pregnant
- Metabolism
- total of all the important actions in the body that keep it alive
- Metabolize
- process of breaking down substances in the cells
- Metacarpal bones
- bones of the hand between the wrist and fingers
- Metastasis
- spread of disease from one place in the body to another place in the body that is not nearby
- Matatarsal bones
- foot bones
- Metronidazole
- a drug used to treat infections caused by parasites or other causes of anaerobic infections
- Metrorrhea
- discharge from the uterus
- Micro-
- describes something that is small or delicate
- Microcephalus
- person with a very small head
- Micturate
- urinate
- Middle ear
- the space between the eardrum and the inner ear
- Migraine
- type of severe headache that occurs periodically and is often associated with nausea, vomiting, and constipation or diarrhea
- Minimal
- slight
- Minimize
- reduce
- Miotic
- substance that makes the pupil of the eye smaller (e.g., narcotic)
- Miscarriage
- loss of an unborn baby from the uterus before it is able to survive outside the mother’s body
- Mitral commissurotomy
- surgery to repair the mitral valve to enlarge the opening between the two parts of the left side of the heart
- Mitral valve
- valve between two chambers on the left side of the heart
- Mobility
- ease of movement; ability to move around
- Molecular pharmacology
- the study of the action between two parts of the left side of the heart
- Monitor
- check on; keep track of; watch carefully
- Monoparesis
- weak muscle movement and loss of feeling in one arm or one leg
- Monoplegia
- loss of movement and loss of feeling in one arm or one leg
- Morbidity
- undesired result or complication; serious disease
- Mortality
- death or death rate
- Motility
- ability to move
- Mouth
- opening through which food passes into the body to be digested
- Mucopurulent
- slimy and with pus in it
- Mucosa, mucous membrane
- moist lining of digestive, respiratory, reproductive, and urinary tracts
- Mucus
- slimy fluid
- Multigravida
- women who has been pregnant two or more times
- Multipara
- woman who has given birth two or more times
- Multiple sclerosis (MS)
- slowly worsening disorder of the central nervous system that causes weakness, incoordination, numbness, and probh talking and seeing
- Muscle
- type of tissue that causes movement
- Muscular dystrophy (MD)
- genetic problem resulting in muscle weakness and atrophy
- Myalgia
- muscles aches
- Myasthenia
- muscle weakness
- Myasthenia gravis
- disorder that causes muscles to get tired quickly
- Mydriatic
- substance that makes the pupil of the eye bigger
- Myelogram
- x-ray of the spinal cord using dye that is injected into the spinal area
- Myeloma
- cancer of the types of cells normally found in bone marrow
- Myelomalacia
- softening of the spinal cord
- Myocardial
- pertaining to the (muscle of the) heart
- Myocardial infarction (MI)
- heart attack; death of heart muscle
- Myocardial ischemia
- not enough blood going to the heart
- Myocarditis
- inflammation of the heart muscle
- Myocardium
- muscle of the heart
- Myoma
- growth made up of muscle tissue
- Myomectomy
- surgery to remove a myoma or a piece of muscle
- Myometritis
- inflammation of the muscle of the uterus
- Myometrium
- muscle of the uterus
- Myopathy
- muscle disorder
- Myopia
- nearsightedness
- Myoplasty
- surgery to fix a muscle
- Myorrhaphy
- surgery to stitch a muscle
- Myringitis
- inflammation of the eardrum
- Myringoplasty
- surgery to fix a ruptured eardrum
- Myxedema
- disorder caused by lack of thyroid hormone in which areas of the skin are swollen
- Nail
- tough plate of tissue covering the top of the end of each finger and toe
- Narcotic
- strong habit-forming drug that stops pain and depresses the central nervous system
- Nasal
- having to do with the nose
- Nasal septum
- wall that divides the nose into two sides
- Nasogastric tube
- tube that goes through the nose and into the stomach; used for feeding liquid food to a patient
- Nasolacrimal duct
- tube that drains tears from the eye into the nose; tear duct
- Nasopharyngeal
- having to do with the nasopharynx
- Nasopharyngitis
- inflammation of the nasopharynx
- Natal
- having to do with childbirth
- Nausea
- sick to the stomach
- Nebulizer
- device used to turn liquids into mists for breathing treatments
- Necrosis
- death of tissue or skin
- Neonate
- newborn infant
- Neonatology
- the study of disorders of newborn infants
- Neoplasm
- new growth that is not normal; tumor
- Nephrectomy
- surgery to remove a kidney
- Nephritis
- kidney inflammation
- Nephroblastoma
- type of malignant kidney tumor
- Nephrogram
- x-ray of the kidney
- Nephrohypertrophy
- overgrowth of the kidney
- Nephrolithiasis
- stones in the kidney
- Nephroma
- growth in the kidney
- Nephromegaly
- overgrowth of the kidney
- Nephropexy
- surgery to tie down a kidney
- Nephroptosis
- sagging kidney
- Nephrosonography
- use of ultrasonography
- Nerve
- string-like tissue that carries messages to and away from the brain and spinal cord and tells muscles to move
- Nervous tissue
- type of tissue that makes up the central nervous system and nerves
- Neuralgia
- nerve pain
- Neurectomy
- surgery to remove part of a nerve
- Neuritis
- inflammation of a nerve
- Neuroarthropathy
- disorder of the joints and the central nervous system or nerves
- Neuroblast
- cell that will develop into a nerve
- Neuroblastoma
- a cancer of nerve tissue
- Neurohypophysis
- part of the brain that discharges hormones including oxytocin and vasopressin
- Neuroid
- like a nerve
- Neurological
- pertaining to the nervous system
- Neurologist
- doctor who treats disorders of the central nervous system and nerves
- Neurolysis
- surgery to open the covering of a nerve to destroy a nerve
- Neuroma
- growth made up of nerve tissue
- Neuropathy
- a disturbance in the function of the brain or spinal cord that may affect the nerves and muscles of the body
- Neuropharmacologic drug
- drug that acts on the nervous system
- Neuroplasty
- surgery to fix a nerve
- Neurorrhaphy
- stitching a cut nerve
- Neurosis
- mental and emotional disorder
- Neurotomy
- surgery to make a break in a nerve
- Neutropenia
- decrease in the main part of the white blood cells
- Nevus
- mole; birthmark
- Nocturia
- too much urination at night
- Non-Invasive
- not breaking, cutting or entering the skin
- Norepinephrine
- hormone discharged from nerves, the brain, and the adrenal glands that helps the body deal with stress and low blood pressure
- Nosocomial pneumonia
- pneumonia acquired in the hospital
- Nucleus
- center of a cell
- Nulligravida
- woman that has never given birth
- Nullipara
- woman that has never given birth to an infant that lived
- Nyctalopia
- difficulty seeing at night
- Obstetrician
- doctor who takes care of pregnant women and delivers babies
- Obstetrics
- the study of pregnant women and childbirth
- Obstructive sleep apnea
- breathing problems while sleeping because the airways collapse or get closed off
- Occlude
- close off
- Oculmycosis
- fungus infection in the eye
- Oculus dexter (OD)
- right eye
- Oculus sinister (OS)
- left eye
- Oculus uterque (OU)
- each eye
- Oligomenorrhea
- occasional and irregular menstruation that occurs every 35 days to 6 months
- Oligospermia
- deceased amount of sperm in semen
- Oliguria
- decreased amount of urine
- Omphalitis
- inflammation of the belly button
- Omphalocele
- a birth defect in which there is bulging of the intestine through the body wall in the belly button region
- Oncogenic
- causing tumors to form
- Oncologist
- doctor who treats cancer
- Oncology
- the study of tumors or cancer
- Onychectomy
- surgery to remove a nail
- Onychocryptosis
- ingrown nail
- Onychomalacia
- softening of the nails
- Onychomycosis
- fungal infection of the nail
- Onychophagia
- nail biting
- Oophorectomy
- surgery to remove the uterus and ovaries
- Oophoritis
- inflammation of the ovary
- Oophorohysterectomy
- surgery to remove the uterus and ovaries
- Opportunity
- chance
- Opthalmagia
- pain in the eye
- Ophthalmic
- having to do with the eye
- Opthalmologist
- doctor who treats eye disorders
- Ophthalmology
- the study of eye disorders
- Opthalmopathy
- disorder of the eye
- Opthalmorrhagia
- bleeding from the eye
- Optic
- having to do with the eye
- Optic nerve
- nerve that carries visual messages from the retina to the brain
- Optician
- person who makes glasses
- Optimal
- best, most favorable or desirable
- Optometer
- tool used in eye examinations
- Optometry
- the study of the eye and vision
- Oral
- having to do with the mouth
- Oral administration
- giving a drug by mouth
- Orchidopexy
- surgery to tie down a testicle in the scrotum
- Orchiectomy
- surgery to remove one or both testicles
- Orchiepididymitis
- inflammation of a testicle and epididymis
- Orchiopexy
- surgery to tie down a testicle in the scrotum
- Orchioplasty
- surgery to fix a testicle
- Orchitis
- inflammation of a testicle
- Organ
- two or more kinds of tissues that work together to make up a part of the body with a unique function
- Orgasm
- the climax of sexual excitement
- Orthodontist
- dentist who treats teeth and jaw disorders
- Orthopedics
- the study of the bones and joints
- Orthopedist
- doctor who treats bone and joint disorders
- Orthopnea
- difficult breathing except when sitting up
- Orthotist
- person who puts on and teaches the use braces and splints
- Ossicles
- bones of the middle ear that carry sound
- Osteoarthritis (OA)
- disorder, which is seen mostly in older persons, in which the joints become painful and stuff
- Osteoblasts
- cell that makes bone
- Osteocarcinoma
- bone cancer growth
- Osteochondritis
- inflammation of bone and cartilage
- Osteoclasis
- surgery to break a bone
- Osteocyte
- bone cell
- Osteofibroma
- benign tumor of bone and connective tissue
- Osteogenesis imperfecta
- genetic disorder in which the bones are delicate and break easily
- Osteomalacia
- soft bones
- Osteomyelitis
- infection and inflammation of bone
- Osteonecrosis
- death of bone tissue
- Osteopetrosis
- rare bone disorder characterized by dense bone
- Osteoplasty
- surgery to fix a bone
- Osteoporosis
- loss of calcium from bone tissue resulting in bones that break easily; prevalent in postmenopausal women
- Osteosarcoma
- cancer of bone
- Osteotome
- chisel-like tool used for cutting or marking bone
- Otalgia
- earache
- Otitis
- inflammation of the ear
- Otitis externa
- inflammation of the outer ear canal
- Otitis interna
- inflammation of the inner ear
- Otitis media
- inflammation of the middle ear
- Otologist
- doctor who treats disorders of the ear
- Otology
- the study of the ear
- Otomastoiditis
- inflammation of the ear together with mastoiditis
- Otomycosis
- fungus infection in the outer ear canal
- Otopyorrhea
- discharge of pus from the ear
- Otorhinolaryngologist
- doctor who treats disorders of the ear, nose, and throat
- Otosclerosis
- bone deposits in the inner ear
- Otoscope
- tool used to look into the ear
- Ovaries
- female sex glands; female organs which release eggs
- Ovulation
- discharge of an egg from the ovary
- Ovum
- the female sex cell that joins with the male sperm to make a zygote and eventually a baby; egg
- Oximeter
- tool used to measure the amount of oxygen in the blood
- Oxytocin
- hormone made by the brain that makes the uterus cramp and milk come out of the breasts
- Pachyderma
- thickening of the skin
- Palate
- roof of the mouth
- Palatitis
- inflammation of the roof of the mouth
- Palatoplasty
- surgery to fix the roof of the mouth
- Pallor
- pale color of the skin
- Palmar
- having to do with the palm of the hand
- Pancreas
- organ that makes hormones, including insulin, and digestive juices
- Pancreatic
- having to do with the pancreas
- Pancreatitis
- inflammation of the pancreas
- Panplegia
- total loss of muscle control and feeling
- Pansinusitus
- inflammation of the all the sinuses on one side of the body
- Pap test
- microscope test used to detect virus infection of the cervix or cancer of the vagina, cervix, or lining of the uterus
- Papule
- pimple
- Para
- woman who has given birth
- Paralysis
- loss of ability to move muscles with loss of feeling also
- Paranasal sinuses
- air cavities inside the bones of the face around the nose
- Paraplegia
- complete loss of muscle control and total loss of feeling from the waist downward
- Parasympatholytic
- drug that blocks a kind of nerve
- Parasympathomimetic
- drug that imitates the action of a kind of nerve
- Parathyroid gland
- gland that makes and discharges a hormone that helps control the amount of calcium in the blood
- Parathyroidectomy
- surgery to remove the parathyroid gland
- Parathyroidoma
- growth or cancer on the parathyroid gland
- Parenteral administration
- giving a substance by injection rather than by mouth
- Paresis
- muscle weakness; partial paralysis
- Parietal layer
- layer of tissue in the wall of a cavity
- Parietal layer of the pericardium
- layer of tissue in the sack around the heart
- Parkinson’s disease
- disorder of the central nervous system, seen usually in older persons, in which there is muscle weakness, trembling, sweating
- Paronychia
- inflammation around the nail
- Paroxysm
- sudden worsening of an illness; or a spasm or seizure
- Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)
- a test of blood clotting time used to measure substances that help the blood to clot
- Participate
- take part
- Parturition
- childbirth
- Patch test
- allergy test performed by putting an allergy-causing material on the skin to see if it causes a reaction
- Patella
- kneecap
- Patellectomy
- surgery to remove the kneecap
- Patency
- condition of being open
- Patent
- open
- Pathogenic
- causing disease
- Pathogenesis
- the initial cause of a disease
- Pathologist
- doctor who studies the changes in the body and its tissues caused by disease
- Pathology
- the study of the changes in the body and body tissue caused by disease
- Pediculosis
- infection with lice, which are tiny bugs
- Pelvic bone
- hip bone
- Pelvic cavity
- space where the urinary bladder, certain reproductive organs, part of the large intestine, and the rectum are found
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
- infection of any of the female reproductive organs inside the pelvic space, including the uterus, uterine tubes, and ovaries
- Pelvimetry
- x-ray of the pelvis of the mother to make sure her pelvis is large enough for the body to come through during birth
- Pelvis of the kidney
- place where urine leaves the kidney
- Penicillin
- type of antibiotic
- Penile implant
- artificial device put into the penis to help a man get an erection
- Penis
- outer male sex organ
- Peptic ulcer
- sore in the stomach or in the lining of the stomach
- Percussion
- tapping of a body surface with the fingers to check the organs under the skin by the sound that is made
- Percutaneous
- through the skin
- Percutaneous perforation
- through the skin puncture, tear or hole
- Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA)
- procedure in which a small balloon is blown up inside the blood vessel to open up a blood vessel
- Pericardiotomy
- surgery to make an opening into the pericardium
- Pericarditis
- inflammation of the pericardium
- Pericardium
- two-layer sack of tissue around the heart
- Perimetritis
- inflammation of the perimetrium
- Perimetrium
- outer layer of tissue around the uterus
- Perineorrhaphy
- stitching a tear in the perineum
- Perineum
- area between the vulva and rectum in women and between the scrotum and rectum in men
- Periosteum
- layer of tissue that covers bone
- Peripheral
- not central
- Pertussis
- whooping cough
- Petechia
- tiny red or purple spot on skin or other tissue caused by bleeding
- Phacoemulsification
- method of removing a cataract by using sound waves to break it up
- Phalanges
- finger and toe bones
- Pharmacist
- person licensed to prepare and dispense drugs and fill prescriptions
- Pharmacodynamics
- the study of how drugs act on the body
- Pharmacokinetics
- the study of the way a drug enters and leaves the blood and tissues over time; study of the way the body absorbs, distributes and gets rid of a drug
- Pharyngitis
- sore throat
- Pharynx
- area between the mouth and esophagus that performs the swallowing action; throat
- Phase I
- initial study of a new drug in humans to determine limits of tolerance
- Phase II
- second phase of study of a new drug intended to obtain initial information
- Phase III
- large scale trial to confirm and expand information on safety and usefulness of a new drug
- Phenothiazines
- group of drugs used for the control of mental illness
- Phenylketonuria (PKU)
- dangerous build-up of toxic materials in the body resulting from a genetic defect that affects metabolism
- Phlebitis
- irritation or inflammation of a vein
- Phlectomy
- surgery to remove part or all of a vein
- Phlebography
- x-ray of a vein or veins using a dye to outline them
- Phlebotomy
- nicking or putting a needle into a vein to remove blood
- Phonocardiogram
- detailed record of heart sounds
- Photophobia
- irritation of the eye caused by light
- Photoretinitis
- inflammation of the back of the eye caused by strong light
- Phrenic
- having to do with the mind; or having to do with a diaphragm
- Phrenopathy
- mental disorder
- Pia mater
- inner layer of the meninges
- Pinna
- outer flap of the ear
- Pituitary gland
- gland that sits under the brain and makes many hormones, including some that control other glands
- Placebo
- a pretend treatment (with no drug in it) that is compared in a clinical trial with a drug to test if the drug has a real effect
- Placebo effect
- symptom or change of condition seen when a placebo is given; not attributable to an active drug agent
- Placenta
- tissues that provide food for the unborn baby
- Plantar
- having to do with the sole of the foot
- Plasma
- liquid part of blood where cells float
- Plasmapheresis
- removing plasma from blood that has been drawn from a person
- Platelet count
- the number of platelets in the blood
- Platelets
- small structures in blood that help it to clot
- Pleura
- thin tissue that covers the lungs and inner walls of the chest
- Pleural effusion
- fluid in the chest cavity
- Pleurisy
- inflammation of the pleura with discharge in the chest cavity, making breathing painful
- Pleuropexy
- surgery to fix the film that covers the lungs
- Pneumatocele
- bulging of the lungs through an abnormal opening
- Pneumobronchotomy
- incision into the lungs
- Pneumoconiosis
- dust in the lungs
- Pneumocystis carinii
- type of parasite or fungus that causes pneumonia in infants and weakened patients, such as those with AIDS
- Pneumonectomy
- surgery to remove a lung
- Pneumonia
- inflammation of the lungs in which the lungs become heavy
- Pneumonitis
- inflammation of the lungs
- Pneumothorax
- free air in the chest cavity
- Podiatrist
- foot doctor
- Poliomyelitis
- infection with a virus in which there can be fever, headache, and stiff neck followed by paralysis and wasting away of muscles
- Polyarteritis
- inflammation of many arteries
- Polycystic kidney
- kidney with many cysts in it
- Polydipsia
- too much thirst
- Polymyositis
- inflammation of more than one muscle
- Polyneuritis
- inflammation of several nerves
- Polyp
- type of growth that sticks up out of tissue
- Polypectomy
- surgery to remove a polyp
- Polyuria
- too much urine being made
- Pons
- part of the brain through which the two sides and different areas of the brain communicate
- Porphyria
- disturbance of metabolism that can be seen as disorders of the skin or other organs
- Posterior
- having to do with the back of the body
- Posterior lobe of the pituitary
- part of the pituitary gland that discharges oxytocin, vasopressin, and some proteins
- Postictal
- happening after a seizure
- Postpartum
- after childbirth
- Potential
- possible
- Potentiation
- increase in drug action from using two drugs together instead of using each drug alone
- Potentiator
- an agent that helps another agent work better
- Preeclampsia
- serious problem of pregnancy in which there is high blood pressure and excess fluid in the tissues of the mother
- Pregnancy
- carrying an unborn baby
- Preictal
- happening before a seizure
- Premature infant
- infant born before it has fully developed; weight less than 5.5 lbs
- Prenatal
- before birth
- Prepuce
- fold of skin (foreskin) that covers the penis and is removed in circumcision
- Presbycusis
- loss of hearing because of old age
- Presbyopia
- problems with vision because of old age
- Primigravida
- woman going through her first pregnancy
- Primipara
- woman who has had one pregnancy that lasted at least 20 weeks
- Proctologist
- doctor who treats disorders of the rectum and anus
- Proctology
- the study of the disorders of the rectum and anus
- Proctoptosis
- fallenanus protruding from the body
- Proctoscope
- tool used to look into the rectum
- Progestins
- type of female hormones that prepare the uterus for pregnancy
- Prognosis
- forecast of the probable outcome of a disease
- Prolapsed uterus
- fallen uterus protruding from the body
- Prone
- lying face down
- Prophylaxis
- a drug given to prevent disease or infection
- Prospective study
- study following patients forward in time
- Prostate gland
- gland that makes fluid that aids movement of sperm
- Prostate-specific antigen (PSA)
- substance in blood that is measured to check for prostatic cancer
- Prostatectomy
- surgery to remove all or part of the prostate gland
- Prostatic cancer
- cancer of the prostate gland
- Prostatitis
- inflammation of the prostate gland
- Prostatocystitis
- inflammation of the neck of the bladder and the bladder
- Prostatolith
- stone in the prostate gland
- Prostatorrhea
- discharge of liquid from the prostate
- Prosthesis
- artificial body part
- Prothrombin time (PT)
- a test of blood clotting time used to measure substances that help the blood to clot
- Protocol
- plan of study
- Proximal
- nearest; closer to the center of the body, away from the end
- Pruritus
- itchiness
- Pseudocyesis
- false pregnancy
- Psoriasis
- scaly skin rash
- Psychiatry
- the study of mental disorders
- Psychogenic
- caused by the mind (rather than the body)
- Psychologist
- doctor who treats disorders of the mind, thoughts, and behavior
- Psychology
- the study of mental action and behavior
- Psychopathy
- any disorder of the mind
- Psychosis
- severe mental disorder; craziness
- Psychosomatic
- having a connection between the mind and physical symptoms
- Pterygium
- unusual fold of film on the eye
- Puberty
- years when the sex organs mature
- Puerperal
- a woman who has just given birth to an infant
- Puerperal
- right after childbirth
- Puerperium
- the first 3 to 6 weeks after childbirth
- Pulmonary
- having to do with the lungs
- Pulmonary edema
- fluid in the lungs
- Pulmonary embolism
- blood clot in the lungs
- Pulmonary neoplasm
- lung tumor
- Pupil
- black spot in the middle of the eye, which is the opening in the center of the iris
- Pupillometer
- tool that measures how wide the pupil is
- Purgative
- drug used to cause the bowels to empty
- Purified protein derivative (PPD)
- substance used in tuberculosis skin test
- Purpura
- small purple-red marks in skin or other tissue caused by bleeding
- Pustule
- pimple filled with pus
- Pyelitis
- inflammation of the kidney and its pelvis
- Pyelogram
- x-ray of the kidney and ureters
- Pyelolithotomy
- surgery to remove a kidney stone
- Pyelonephritis
- inflammation of the kidney and its pelvis
- Pyeloplasty
- surgery to fix the pelvis of the kidney
- Pyelostomy
- surgery to make an opening into the pelvis of the kidney
- Pyloric sphincter
- ring of muscles between the stomach and the small intestine
- Pyloromyotomy
- surgery to cut muscles of a pyloric sphincter that is too narrow
- Pyloroplasty
- surgery to fix the pyloric sphincter
- Pylorus
- the opening of the stomach into the small intestine
- Pyosalpinx
- pus in the uterine tubes
- Pyuria
- pus in the urine
- Quadriplegia
- loss of muscle movement and loss of feeling in both arms and legs
- Rachiotomy
- surgery to cut into a bone or bones of the spine
- Rachischisis
- birth defect in which there is a groove in the spine
- Radial keratotomy
- surgery to fix nearsightedness
- Radiation therapy
- x-ray or cobalt treatment
- Radiculitis
- inflammation of a spinal nerve root
- Radioimmunoassay (RIA)
- laboratory method to measure a substance, such as a hormone
- Radius
- one of the two lower arm bones
- Random
- by chance
- Randomization
- assignment of treatment group by chance, similar to tossing a coin (when there are two treatment choices)
- Recombinant
- formation of new combinations of genes
- Reconstitution
- putting back together the original parts or elements
- Rectal administration
- giving a substance by putting it into the rectum
- Rectocele
- bulging of the rectum into the vagina
- Rectouterine pouch
- pouch in the area between the uterus and the rectum
- Recur
- happen again
- Red blood cell (RBC)
- a cell in blood that carries oxygen
- Red blood cell count
- the number of red blood cells in the blood
- Red blood cell morphology
- the size and shape of individual red blood cells as seen under a microscope
- Refractory
- not responding to treatment
- Regeneration
- regrowth of a structure or of lost tissue
- Regimen
- pattern of administering treatment
- Relapse
- the return or reappearance of a disease.
- Remission
- condition that occurs when signs of an illness are decreased or gone
- Renal
- having to do with the kidney
- Renal biopsy
- removing a piece of kidney tissue to look at it under a microscope
- Renal calculi
- kidney stones
- Renal pelvis
- place where urine leaves the kidney
- Renal transplant
- kidney transplant
- Renogram
- x-ray to check kidney function by measuring how fast a dye passes through the kidneys and to the urinary bladder
- Replicable
- capable of being duplicated
- Reproduction
- making babies
- Reproductive
- having to do with reproduction
- Resect
- remove or cut out (surgically)
- Resectoscope
- tool used to remove or biopsy tissue from the urinary bladder, prostate, or urethra
- Retina
- innermost layer of the eye
- Retinal
- having to do with the retina
- Retinal photocoagulation
- use of a laser light to treat disorders of the retina or tumors in the eye
- Retinitis pigmentosa
- eye disorder in which the retina atrophies and vision gradually worsens
- Retinoblastoma
- cancer in the eye growing off of the retina
- Retractor
- tool used for holding back tissue
- Retrograde pyelogram
- x-ray of the kidney and ureter made by injecting dye backward into the ureter
- Retrospective study
- study looking back over past experience
- Reye’s syndrome
- serious disorder of children, which often occurs after a viral infection, affecting the brain, liver, and other body organs
- Rhabdomyoma
- benign tumor of a muscle
- Rhadomyosarcoma
- cancer of a muscle
- Rheumatic fever
- bacterial disease in which there is fever and inflammation of the heart, blood vessels, and joints
- Rheumatic heart disease
- damage to the heart caused by rheumatic fever, especially deformed heart valves
- Rheumatoid factor
- substance in blood that is measured to check for rheumatoid arthritis
- Rhinitis
- inflammation of the nose
- Rhinomycosis
- fungus infection in the nose
- Rhinoplasty
- surgery to fix the nose
- Rhinorrhagia
- nosebleed
- Rhinorrhea
- runny nose
- Rhizotomy
- surgery to cut apart a nerve root
- Rhytidectomy
- surgery to remove wrinkles
- Rhytidoplasty
- surgery to remove wrinkles from the face
- Rongeur
- tool used for cutting hard tissue, such as bone
- Sacrum
- large triangle-shaped bone at the bottom of the spine just above the tailbone
- Sagittal plane
- divides the body into a right and left side
- Saliva
- liquid in the mouth that helps with swallowing food; spit
- Salivary glands
- glands that make saliva
- Salpingectomy
- surgery to remove the uterine tube
- Salpingitis
- inflammation of the uterine tubes
- Salpingo-oophorectomy
- surgery to remove an ovary and uterine tube
- Salpingocele
- uterine tube bulging out of an abnormal opening
- Salpingocyesis
- pregnancy growing in the uterine tube
- Salpingostomy
- surgery to make an openig into or to open a blockage of a uterine tube
- Salphinx
- tube down which the egg travels from the ovary to the uterus
- Sarcoma
- cancer of connective tissue cells
- Saw
- tool with a notched blade used for cutting
- Scabies
- itchy skin infection by a microscopic bug called a mite; mange
- Scapule
- shoulder blade
- Schick test
- skin test used to detect diphtheria
- Sciatica
- pain running down from the lower back to the buttocks to the back or side of the leg
- Scissors
- tool with two sharp blades used for cutting tissue
- Sclera
- outer protective layer of the eye; “whites of the eyes”
- Scleral buckling
- surgery to fix a detached retina
- Scleroderma
- hardening and thickening of the skin
- Sclerokeratitis
- inflammation of the sclera and the cornea
- Scleromalacia
- softening of the sclera seen in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
- Sclerotomy
- surgery to cut into the sclera
- Scoliosis
- S-shaped (side-to-side) curve of the spine
- Scratch test
- allergy test performed by putting a small amount of allergy-causing material on small skin patches to see if it causes a reaction
- Scrotum
- pouch that holds the testicles
- Sebaceous gland
- gland that discharges oil into the skin
- Seborrhea
- very oily skin
- Sedation
- calmness
- Sedative
- drug used to relax a person without making the person sleepy
- Seizure
- sudden, uncontrolled muscle spasms and loss of consciousness resulting from abnormal brain function
- Self-retaining
- stays in place without being held
- Semen
- fluid containing, sperm, which is discharged from the penis during the climax of sexual intercourse
- Semen analysis
- test used to count and examine the sperm cells
- Semicircular canals
- channels in the labyrinth of the ear
- Semilunar valves
- valves that control the flow of blood out of the heart by opening and closing with each heart beat
- Seminoma
- a type of testes cancer
- Septoplasty
- surgery to fix the wall inside the nose
- Septotomy
- incision into the wall inside the nose
- Sequentially
- in a row
- Serrations
- small grooves in the edges or tips of tools that help to hold tissue
- Serum
- clear liquid part of blood
- Serum bilirubin
- blood test used to detect liver disorder
- Serum calcium
- blood test used to find out how much calcium is in the blood
- Serum creatine kinase
- blood test used to measure creatine
- Serum enzyme test
- blood test used to detect the presence of certain chemicals discharges into the blood from dying heart muscle
- Serum phosphorus
- blood test used to measure the amount of phosphorus present
- Serum test
- blood test used to measure the amount of endocrine material in the blood
- Sexually transmitted disease (STD)
- disorder spread by sexual contact
- Sharp
- with an edge or tip that cuts
- Shingles
- painful, fluid-filled blisters caused by herpesvirus infection
- Shunt
- artificial or natural channel running between two other channels
- Sialolith
- stone in a salivary gland or duct
- Sickle cell anemia
- genetic defect of hemoglobin causing red blood cells to change shape; symptoms include pain in the joints and belly, and ulcers on the legs
- Side effect
- an effect of a drug that is not related to the reason the drug is used
- Sigmoid colon
- the lower part of the colon just before the rectum
- Sigmoidoscope
- tool used to look into the sigmoid colon
- Single-blind trial
- test or experiment in which the person giving treatment, but not the patient, knows which treatment the patient is receiving
- Sinusotomy
- incision into the sinus
- Sleep apnea
- breathing problems while sleeping
- Slipped disk
- bulging out of a pad between bones of the spine, which often causes pinched nerve roots
- Small intestine
- the bowel between the stomach and the large intestine, including the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum
- Smooth
- without teeth or grooves; not rough
- Snare
- tool with a wire loop used for removing tissue growth
- Software
- computer program
- Somatic
- having to do with the body
- Somatogenic
- caused by the body (rather than the mind)
- Somatopathy
- disorder of the body as opposed to the mind
- Somnolence
- sleepiness
- Spasm
- a muscle contraction that produces pain and interferes with use of the muscle
- Specific gravity
- test used to measure the amount of solid material and minerals in a liquid, such as the urine
- Speculum
- tools used to stretch and hold open an opening into a body channel, such as the nose or vagina
- Sperm
- the male sex cell that joins with a female egg to make a zygote and eventually a baby
- Sphygmocardiograph
- tool used to record arterial blood pressure
- Sphygmomanometer
- tool for measuring blood pressure
- Spina bifida
- birth defect in which the spine does not develop fully and close up
- Spinal cavity
- space inside the spinal column where the spinal cord is found
- Spinal cord
- the cord of nerve cells and nerve fibers running down the spine that helps guide messages to and from the brain
- Spirometer
- tool used to measure the amount of air going into and out of the lungs during breathing
- Spleen
- largest lymph organ in the body
- Splenectomy
- surgery to remove the spleen
- Splenomegaly
- enlarged spleen
- Splenopexy
- surgery to tie down the spleen
- Spondylosyndesis
- fusion of the spine
- Sputum
- fluid and material brought up from the lungs and windpipe and spit out through the mouth
- Squamous cell carcinoma
- cancer that usually occurs on the skin or in the lungs
- Staging
- a determination of the extent of the disease
- Standard of Care
- treatment plan which the majority of the medical community would accept as appropriate
- Staphylococcus
- type of bacteria
- Stenosis
- narrowing of a channel
- Stereotactic breast biopsy
- biopsy of breast tissue taken by using a three-dimensional body map to locate the tissue
- Sterilization
- the killing of all living germs; or a process to make a man or woman not able to have children
- Sternoclavicular
- having to do with the breastbone and the collarbone
- Sternoid
- like the breastbone
- Sternum
- breastbone
- Stethoscope
- tool used to listen to the sounds made by the heart, lungs, intestines, and other organs
- Stimulant
- drug used to speed up the central nervous system
- Stomach
- the first part of the intestines that holds food for digestion after it is swallowed
- Stomatitis
- inflammation inside the mouth that sometimes occurs as an allergic reaction; can also result from infection or virus
- Stomatogastric
- the mouth and stomach
- Stool
- bowel movement; feces
- Stool culture
- test for bacteria in stool
- Strabismus
- abnormal position of the eye, as in wall eye or crossed eyes
- Stratify
- arrange in groups for analysis of results (e g , Stratify by age, sex, etc)
- Streptococcus
- type of bacteria
- Streptomycin
- type of antibiotic
- Stricture
- area where a tube in the body is too narrow
- Stupor
- stunned state in which it is difficult to get a response or the attention of the subject
- Stye
- pimple on the eyelid
- Subclavian
- under the collarbone
- Subcostal
- below the ribs
- Subcutaneous (SC)
- under the skin
- Subdural
- below the outer layer of the meninges
- Sublingual
- under the tongue
- Sublingual administration
- giving a substance by placing it under the tongue (not to be swallowed) (e.g., nitroglycerin)
- Submandibular
- below the lower jaw
- Submaxillary
- below the upper jaw
- Subscapular
- below the shoulder blade
- Sulfonamide
- type of antibiotic
- Superficial
- close to the outside of the body
- Superior
- toward the top of the body
- Supine
- lying on the back
- Supportive care
- general medical care aimed at symptoms, not intended to improve or cure underlying disease
- Suppository
- drug that is given by putting it into the rectum, vagina, or urethra
- Suprarenal
- above the kidney; or having to do with the adrenal gland
- Suprascapular
- above the shoulder blade
- Sweat glands
- structures in and under the skin that makes sweat
- Swimmer’s ear
- inflammation of the outer ear canal
- Sympatholytic
- drug used to slow down the action of certain types of nerves
- Sympathomimetic
- drug used to speed up heart rate, raise blood pressure, and open up air passages
- Symphysis
- type of joint where two bones meet but there is no movement
- Symptomatic
- having symptoms
- Syncope
- fainting spell
- Syndrome
- a condition characterized by a set of symptoms
- Synergism
- combined action of two drugs used together that is better than using each drug alone
- Synoviosarcoma
- cancer of the joint
- Syphilis
- bacterial infection spread by sexual contact
- System
- having to do with the whole body
- Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
- chronic disorder of connective tissue in which there can be skin rash, arthritis, kidney problems, and anemia, among other problems
- Systole
- the time when the heart contracts to pump blood to the body
- Systolic
- top number in blood pressure; pertaining to contraction phase of heart beat
- T-lymphocytes
- type of white blood cells involved in immune reactions
- Tachypnea
- fast breathing
- Tarsal bones
- ankle bones
- Tarsectomy
- surgery to remove one or more of the ankle bones
- Tendonitis
- inflammation of tendons
- Tendon
- elastic band that attaches muscle at each end
- Tenodynia
- pain in a tendon
- Tenomyoplasty
- surgery to stitch together a ripped tendon
- Tenorrhaphy
- surgery to fix a tendon and muscle
- Tenosynovitis
- inflammation of covering layer around a tendon
- Tenotomy
- surgery to cut tendon of an eye muscle to fix strabismus
- Teratogenic
- capable of causing malformations in unborn fetuses
- Testicle
- one of two male sex glands that make sperm
- Testicular carcinoma
- cancer of the testicles
- Testis
- one of two male sex glands that make sperm
- Tetany
- muscle cramps caused by a low amount of calcium
- Tetracycline
- type of antibiotic
- Tetraplegia
- total loss of muscle movement and loss of feeling in both arms and legs
- Thoracalgia
- pain in the chest or wall of the chest
- Thoracentesis
- using a needle to remove fluid from the chest cavity
- Thoracic cavity
- space where the heart, lungs, esophagus, tracheas, bronchi, and thymus are found
- Thoracic vertebrae
- bones of the spine in back of the chest
- Thoracoscope
- tool used to look into the chest cavity
- Thoracotomy
- surgery to cut into the chest
- Thorax
- the chest
- Throat
- area between the mouth and esophagus that performs the swallowing action
- Thrombosis
- blood clotting within blood vessels
- Thrombus
- a clotting of blood factors that frequently blocks blood flow
- Thymectomy
- surgery to remove the thymus
- Thymoma
- tumor of the thymus
- Thymus
- lymph organ in the chest, which is most active at puberty, where a type of lymphocyte is made
- Thyroid gland
- gland in the neck that makes the thyroid hormones, which are important in controlling metabolism
- Thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSH)
- hormone that makes the thyroid gland active
- Thyroidectomy
- surgery to remove the thyroid gland
- Thyroparathyroidectomy
- surgery to remove the thyroid and parathyroid glands
- Thyrotoxicosis
- disorder caused by too much thyroid hormone
- Tibia
- the larger of the two lower leg bones; the shin bone
- Tinea
- fungal infection of skin; ringworm
- Tinnitus
- ringing, roaring, buzzing, or clicking noises in the ears
- Tissue
- group of cells that work together
- Titration
- gradual alteration of drug dose to determine desired effect or most beneficial strength of drug
- Tolerance
- decrease in response to a fixed dosage of drug; over time, higher and higher doses of a drug are needed to get desired effect
- Tonometer
- tool that measures pressure inside the eye
- Tonsil
- lymphoid tissue in the back of the mouth
- Tonsillectomy
- surgery to remove a tonsil or tonsils
- Topical anesthetic
- applied to certain area of the skin to reduce pain to specific (limited) area to which applied
- Topical application
- giving a medication by putting it directly on the skin
- Toxicity
- any harmful effect of a drug or poison
- Trabeculectomy
- surgery that makes a place for fluid to drain from the eye, reducing eye pressure in patients with glaucoma
- Trachea
- windpipe
- Tracheitis
- inflammation of the windpipe
- Tracheocystitis
- inflammation of the neck of the urinary bladder
- Tracheoplasty
- surgery to fix the windpipe
- Tracheostomy
- surgery to make a hole through the neck from the windpipe to the outside of the body
- Tranquilizer
- drug used to control anxiety
- Transdermal
- through the skin
- Transdermal patch
- patch containing a drug that is put on the skin so the drug will enter the body through the skin
- Transient ischemic attack (TIA)
- sudden loss of blood flow to the brain that lasts for a few minutes to an hour but has no lasting effect
- Transiently
- temporarily
- Transrectal ultrasound
- ultrasonography of the organs in the belly done using a probe in the rectum
- Transverse plane
- divides the body to make a top and bottom
- Trauma
- injury; wound
- Traumatic
- causing damage, like a toll used to crush tissue
- Treadmill
- stress test test used to determine heart function
- Trichomoniasis
- parasite infection that is spread by sexual contact
- Trichomycosis
- fungus infection in the hair
- Tricupsid
- valve a valve in the heart that controls the flow of blood by opening and closing with each heart beat
- Tubal ligation
- surgery to close the uterine tubes to prevent pregnancy
- Tuberculin
- substance used in skin tests to test for tuberculosis
- Tuberculosis
- bacterial infection that usually results in a serious lung disorder
- Tympanic membrane
- eardrum
- Tympanitis
- inflammation of the ear drum
- Tympanometer
- tool used to fix the ear drum
- Tympanoplasty
- surgery to fix the eardrum and bones of the middle ear
- Ulcer
- sore
- Ulcerative colitis
- sores in the colon
- Ulna
- one of the two lower arm bones
- Ultrasonography
- making a picture of internal organs by bouncing sound waves off them and recording the echoes
- Ultrasound
- making a picture of internal organs by bouncing sound waves off them and recording the echoes
- Umbilical region
- area around the naval
- Umbilicus
- navel; belly button
- Unconscious
- not awake and not aware; knocked out
- Ungula
- having to do with the nails
- Unilateral
- having to do with only one side of a structure
- Upper GI (gastrointestinal) series
- x-ray using a dye to show the upper part of the digestive system
- Upper respiratory infection (URI)
- a cold or flu
- Uptake
- absorption and incorporation of a substance by living tissue; absorb and incorporate a substance, taking in of a substance by living tissue
- Uremia
- build-up of poisons in the blood, usually because of kidney failure
- Ureter
- tube that carries urine from a kidney to the urinary bladder
- Ureterectomy
- surgery to remove all or part of a ureter
- Ureteritis
- inflammation of the ureter
- Ureterocele
- bulging of a ureter taken after putting a dye in it to outline it
- Ureterogram
- x-ray of a ureter taken after putting a dye in it to outline it
- Ureterolithiasis
- stones in the ureter
- Ureterostenosis
- narrow area in a ureter
- Ureterostomy
- surgery to make an opening into a ureter
- Ureterotomy
- surgery to cut into a ureter
- Urethra
- tube that carries urine from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body
- Urethritis
- inflammation of the urethra
- Urethrocystitis
- inflammation of the urethra
- Urethrometer
- tool used to measure the urethra
- Urethropexy
- surgery to tie down the urethra
- Urethroplasty
- surgery to fix the urethra
- Urethrostomy
- surgery to make an opening from the urethra to the outside of the body
- Uric acid test
- blood test used to measure the amount of uric acid in the blood
- Urinal
- container that holds urine
- Urinalysis
- series of tests done on urine
- Urinary
- having to do with urine
- Urinary bladder
- sack that holds urine before it leaves the body
- Urinary catheterization
- passing a tube into the urinary bladder to remove urine
- Urinary retention
- abnormal holding of urine
- Urinary suppression
- not able to discharge urine
- Urinary tract
- all the structures that make and pass urine, including the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra
- Urinary tract infection (UTI)
- infection of the urinary system
- Urination
- the act of passing urine
- Urine
- pale yellow liquid waste material and sediment
- Urine casts and crystals
- urine test to check mineral levels and sediment in the urine and to check for infection or inflammation in the urinary tract
- Urine color
- normal color for urine is straw yellow
- Urine pH
- urine test to find out the chemical make-up of urine (acidity)
- Urine protein
- urine test used to measure how much protein is in the urine
- Urinometer
- tool used to measure the specific gravity of urine
- Urodynamics
- the force and flow of urine
- Urologist
- doctor who treats disorders of the urinary tract of men and women and the genital tract of men
- Urticaria
- hives
- Uterine tube
- tube down which the egg travels from the ovary to the uterus
- Uterus
- organ where the unborn baby develops and grows
- Uvula
- v-shaped tissue that hangs from the roof of the back of the mouth
- Uvulectomy
- surgery to remove the uvula
- Uvulitis
- inflammation of the uvula
- Vagina
- tube that connects the uterus to the outside of the body
- Vaginitis
- inflammation of the vagina
- Vaginodynia
- pain in the vagina
- Vaginoperineorrhgaphy
- surgery to fix tears in the vagina and vaginal areas
- Vaginoplasty
- surgery to fix the vagina
- Vagotomy
- surgery to cut the vagus nerve or nerves, usually done to slow down the making of stomach acid
- Valvuloplasty
- plastic repair of a valve, especially of the heart
- Varicose veins
- twisted and bulging veins that are larger than normal
- Vas deferens
- tube that carries sperm out of the testicle
- Vasectomy
- surgery to cut out part or all of the ductus deferens-done to make a man not able produce children
- Vasoconstrictor
- drug used to make blood vessels tighten up and become narrower
- Vasodilator
- drug used to make blood vessels open up and become bigger
- Vasospasm
- narrowing of blood vessels due to spasm of vessel walls
- Vasovasostomy
- surgery to undo a vasectomy by connecting up the ductus deferens again-done to make a man able to produce children again
- test blood test used to detect syphilis
- Vector
- a carrier, usually an insect, that carries and transmits disease-causing microorganisms
- Vein
- the type of blood vessel that carries blood back to the heart from the rest of the body
- Vein ligation and stripping
- surgery to remove twisted (varicose) veins in the legs
- Vena cava
- largest vein in the body
- Venipuncture
- putting a needle into a vein
- Venogram
- x-ray of a vein
- Ventilator
- machine used to help a person breathe
- Ventral
- toward or having to do with the front of the body
- Ventricle
- small space, such as one of several that hold spinal fluid inside the brain and the two lower chambers of the heart
- Venule
- little vein
- Verruca
- wart
- Vertebra
- one of the 33 bones in the spine
- Vertebral column
- the spine
- Vertebrocostal
- having to do with a vertebra and a rib
- Vertical transmission
- spread of disease
- Vertigo
- light-headedness; dizziness
- Vesicle
- blister
- Vesicourethral
- having to do with the urethra and the bladder
- Vesicovaginal fistula
- abnormal opening between the bladder and vagina
- Viral
- having to do with a virus
- Virus
- tiny type of gene
- Visceral
- having to do with the internal organs
- Vitreous body
- jelly-like liquid found in the back chamber of the eye
- Void
- urinate
- Volvulus
- twisting of the intestines causing a blockage
- Vomit
- matter discharged from the stomach out of the mouth
- Vulva
- the tissues around the opening to the vagina
- Vulvectomy
- surgery to remove the vulva
- Vulvovaginal
- having to do with the vagina and vulva
- Vulvovaginitis
- inflammation of the vagina and vulva