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Multiple images of researchers working in the field. The first image a researcher in goggles smiling at the camera. The second image a professor and student talking. The third image is a detailed photo of two hands, in purple gloves, deal with lab equipment. The fourth image shows a researcher in the lab. The fifth image shows two researchers putting a web of sensors on a subjects head. The sixth image is a detailed photo of two gloves hands in a bin of rusted equipment used in marine research.

Carolina researchers routinely discover and conceive technologies that have the potential to change the world. Such advancements could mean treatments for a life-threatening disease, technologies that purify drinking water, practices that improve bedside care of patients, policies that strengthen our state’s economy and natural resources, and intellectual and artistic exchange.

Available ResourcesExplore available resources for every phase of the translation process.

What is research translation?

At Carolina, an abundance of discovery science and creative endeavors have exciting potential for application. Research translation advances the development of promising early-stage, problem-driven research concepts through assessment of their translational value to the creation of products and services that benefit society. It bridges the gap between research and the marketplace, making innovations more attractive to potential partners and maximizing value for the research teams, the University, and society.

However, further development of these technologies is often necessary to realize their impact. At Carolina, developmental resources are provided by, depending on stage, by organizations like the Office for the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR), Innovate Carolina, the Office of Technology Commercialization, and the OVCR’S Institute for Convergent Science, a hub for innovation.

Supporting research translation

One of the challenges that researchers sometimes face is understanding which mechanism might best support their efforts. Our office helps researchers identify and connect with suitable funding and support, moving research discoveries toward eventual products.


Investigation, discovery, & early development


Pre-commercial ecosystem for development activities


Management, technology licensing, & new venture support


Supporting product development & company growth

OVCR Resources

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR) provides funding initiatives and award programs that accelerate the work of Carolina researchers to develop solutions to scientific challenges that benefit North Carolina and beyond. The office provides guidance and support to help faculty investigators pursue commercialization-focused goals. OVCR resources include technical development expertise and know-how, funding, specialized technologies, and potential partnerships with other faculty experts and external entities.

UNC-Chapel Hill’s Commercial Impact*


Research-based Startups


U.S. Patents Issued


Inventions Disclosed


Licensing Revenue

* Lifetime totals