Week of Events
What Nonacademic Employers Really Value About Your PhD
What Nonacademic Employers Really Value About Your PhD
Much of the job search process is about persuasive communication: you want to convince a hiring manager that you’re the right fit for the job. So how can PhDs effectively communicate their skills and advanced training to employers? Join Beyond the … Read more
NC Biotech Career Development Network: Write a Resume That Gets You Noticed
NC Biotech Career Development Network: Write a Resume That Gets You Noticed
Having a resume that stands out is crucial as you seek your next opportunity. Guest speaker Angela Stewart, who has read thousands of resumes during her career in scientific recruiting, will provide insight into what things she looks for on … Read more
Postdoc Writing Group – 12-Week Summer Session
Postdoc Writing Group – 12-Week Summer Session
Ready to connect, communicate, and collaborate with a new community of writers? Look no further! Join the postdoc-led multidisciplinary Postdoc Writing Group this summer for writing accountability and making progress on that manuscript or grant. Beginning on June 7th, the weekly … Read more