FY 2014 Research Funding
School/Unit | by Admin. Unit | by P.I. Appointing Dept. |
School of Medicine | $431,030,754.50 | $415,603,783.68 |
Vice Chancellor for Research | $141,685,993.86 | $56,205,222.02 |
UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health | $84,704,010.28 | $144,764,992.28 |
College of Arts & Sciences | $76,638,076.79 | $112,238,562.79 |
School of Pharmacy | $19,593,298.95 | $18,885,288.95 |
School of Dentistry | $11,029,177.87 | $10,973,474.87 |
School of Social Work | $7,901,958.54 | $9,439,351.54 |
Provost | $5,523,735.00 | $5,662,431.00 |
School of Nursing | $4,536,420.22 | $4,536,420.22 |
Unaffiliated | $3,275,500.00 | $2,475,000.00 |
Kenan-Flagler Business School | $2,423,161.00 | $2,383,161.00 |
School of Information and Library Science | $1,749,286.20 | $1,818,510.20 |
School of Government | $787,794.59 | $787,794.59 |
Vice Chancellor University Advancement | $787,773.00 | $1,798,273.00 |
School of Education | $658,638.00 | $4,763,555.50 |
School of Law | $311,864.00 | $311,864.00 |
Vice Chancellor Student Affairs Office | $47,247.40 | $47,247.40 |
School of Journalism and Mass Communication | $42,388.00 | $42,388.00 |
Vice Chancellor Finance and Administration | $1,928.00 | ($8,314.84) |
Total | $792,729,006.20 | $792,729,006.20 |
Research Funding Sources (FY 2014): All Funding Sources
Federal | 71.85% |
Educational and Research Institutions | 7.01% |
Business and Industry | 5.94% |
Foundation | 5.93% |
State Government (NC) | 3.87% |
Nonprofit Organization | 3.22% |
Association | 1.44% |
Others | 0.75% |
Research Funding Sources (FY 2014): Federal Sources
National Institutes of Health (NIH) | 75% |
National Science Foundation (NSF) | 7% |
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) | 4% |
Agency for International Development (USAID) | 4% |
Department of Defense (DOD) | 3% |
Department of Education (DOED) | 2% |
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) | 1% |
Department of Energy (DOE) | 1% |
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) | 1% |
Other | 2% |