Research Distinctions
Faculty in National Academies and Learned Societies
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill faculty members have brought distinction to the state of North Carolina and the university through their academic and professional achievements. Many have been honored with election as members of the National Academies or fellows of other national distinguished learned societies. UNC-CH ranks 14th among public research institutions in terms of the number of faculty members who have been inducted into the National Academies. (Source: Top American Research Universities Annual Report 2018. Updated 5/2020)
- 38 members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
- 20 members of the National Academy of Medicine
- 4 members of the National Academy of Engineering
- 16 members of the National Academy of Sciences
- 73 fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
- numerous fellows of other learned and professional societies, including: Academy of Leisure Sciences, Academy of Management Fellows, American Academy of Microbiology, American Academy of Nurse Practioners, American Academy of Nursing, American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, Fellows of American College of Radiology, American Folklore Society, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, American Physical Society, Fellows of American Physiological Society, College of Fellows of the American Theatre, Fellowship of Southern Writers, German Archaeological Institute, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society, National Academy of Public Administration, National Theater Conference, Royal Academy of Engineering (U.K.), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Royal Society of London (U.K.), Royal Society of Medicine (U.K.), Society of American Historians, and Third World Academy of Sciences.
(Sources: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research. Updated: 07/2024.)
Advisors to Federal Agencies
Many Carolina faculty members serve on federal advisory committees that play an important role in shaping programs and policies of the federal government. These committee members provide the expertise and professional skills that parallel the program responsibilities of their sponsoring agencies. They also are the public’s voice in the federal government’s decision-making process. To learn more about our faculty who are serving in this important advisory capacity, please contact Kelly Dockham at or Sarena Gisser at
(Source: Office of Federal Affairs. Updated: 07/2024.)