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DATE: August 15, 2022
TO: UNC Research Community
FROM: The UNC Office of Human Research Ethics (OHRE)

RE: Revisions to OHRE Standard Operating Procedures

OHRE has revised a number of SOPs to incorporate changes introduced with the implementation of the Revised Common Rule, as well as to reflect current practices. Additionally, several new SOPs are now in effect. All new and revised policies are effective today, August 15, 2022. A high-level summary of changes can be accessed here.

Additionally, the OHRE SOPs are transitioning to the UNC-Chapel Hill Policy Website: All OHRE SOPs will soon be available on that site under the Responsible Unit of ‘Research’ and then by selecting the Category of ‘IRB and Human Research Ethics.’ Access to these SOPs will continue to be available through our homepage and the most up to date versions of these procedures should be accessed here as SOPs are transitioned to the UNC-Chapel Hill Policy Website. Once policies have been fully transitioned, the UNC Policy Website has an available search feature which will return results from the IRB and Human Research Ethics SOPs when searching within that Category.

Screen capture: The IRB and Human Research Ethics page from the UNC Policies website with the “Search this category” input field highlighted in red.

If there are certain policies that you reference frequently, you can add them to your favorites for easy access.

Screen capture: The SOP 0101 page from the UNC Policies website, with the “Add to Favorites” button shown.

OHRE welcomes your feedback; please email your questions or concerns to

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