RCR Module Descriptions from CITI
Authorship (RCR-Basic) (ID 16597)
Describes the important issues relating to publishing research results and working with authors. It also discusses the potential pitfalls and errors that can lead to research misconduct and authorship disputes, as well as strategies for avoiding and resolving authorship disputes. Go back.
Collaborative Research (RCR-Basic) (ID 16598)
Discusses styles of collaboration and potential trade-offs relating to collaborative research. It also identifies some of the complexities of managing and assessing collaborations, and special considerations involved in collaborative work, including working with industry, across disciplinary and international boundaries, and with students. Go back.
Communicating with the Public (ID 19270)
Researchers have a range of ethical obligations when designing and conducting their research activities. These obligations also pertain to how researchers share their findings with others.
Module provides an in-depth discussion on communicating research results to the public, including approaches for making results more understandable to difference audiences. Go back.
Conflicts of Interest (RCR-Basic) (ID 16599)
Explains why conflicts of interest can be ethically problematic and how organizations can have a conflict of interest. Go back.
Consent and Cultural Competence (ID 17263)
Focuses on cultural competence, as it applies to developing consent processes, obtaining consent, and evaluating the appropriateness of the consent processes. Describes strategies for enhancing understanding of research among diverse populations and communities during the consent process. Go back.
Data Management (RCR-Basic) (ID 20896)
Identifies the steps, concepts, and importance of data management throughout a research study. The module also discusses institutional support services that can help manage research data; methodological, technological, and regulatory considerations that affect data management practices; documentation needed to facilitate the accessibility and reproducibility of research findings; and ethical and compliance issues relating to data ownership, sharing, and protection. Go back.
Environmental and Social Dimensions of Engineering Research (ID 12835)
Provides an overview of the responsibilities that engineering researchers have when it comes to environmental and social considerations. It includes a discussion of moral development, risk, and sustainability. Go back.
Ethical Issues in Public Health Research (ID 17640)
Summarizes the application of ethical principles to public health research, identifies additional ethical challenges unique to public health research, and provides a six-step framework for application to public health problems. Go back.
Introduction to Public Health Research (ID 17637)
Describes the roles, responsibilities, and activities of public health systems as relevant to research. Discusses characteristics of international public health systems and identifies public health services and their interrelationships with core public health functions. Go back.
Mentoring and Healthy Research Environments (RCR-Basic) (ID 20983)
Discusses mentoring and why it is essential to research, factors that can make mentoring relationships challenging, and practices and strategies mentors and mentees can use to establish and navigate mentor-mentee relationships successfully. The module also describes a psychologically healthy and supportive research environment and the leadership behaviors mentors can use to create positive research environments. Go back.
Peer Review (RCR-Basic) (ID 16603)
Discusses the history and evolution of peer review, value of peer review as it relates to publications and grant awards, ethical issues associated with peer review, and ethical duties of a peer reviewer. Go back.
Plagiarism (RCR-Basic) (ID 15156)
Discusses the definition of plagiarism, appropriate summarization of material, and strategies for properly citing information sources. Go back.
Presentation of Research Findings (ID 19355)
Researchers have a range of ethical obligations when designing and conducting their research activities. These obligations also pertain to how researchers share their findings with others. Module discusses how to present research findings accurately for publication, including strategies for preparing figures, graphs, and digital images. Go back.
Records-Based Research (ID 5)
Records-based research has its own risks, and researchers who propose to conduct such research must have an understanding of those risks and how to minimize them. Learners will be presented with an overview of the risks associated with and the types of review required for records-based research. They will also learn about privacy and confidentiality, certificates of confidentiality, and the federal privacy law. Go back.
Research, Ethics, and Society (ID 15198)
Introduces social responsibilities of researchers. The discussion includes the meaning of social responsibility, why researchers have social responsibilities, and how researchers can act on their social responsibilities. Go back.
Research Involving Human Subjects (RCR-Basic) (ID 13566)
Provides an introduction to ethical and regulatory issues relating to the participation of human beings in research. It includes a description of the informed consent process and the Common Rule—a set of regulations adopted by a number of U.S. federal agencies. Go back.
Research Misconduct (RCR-Basic) (ID 16604)
Describes the three practices (fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism) that constitute research misconduct and the steps that can be taken to handle allegations of research misconduct. Go back.
Reproducibility of Research Results (ID 17756)
Discusses factors that contribute to the lack of reproducibility and the resulting problems that can emerge. The module also describes the stakeholders affected by reproducibility problems, a collection of reproducibility initiatives, and strategies that can mitigate or prevent irreproducibility. Go back.
Using Animal Subjects in Research (RCR-Basic) (ID 13301)
Provides an introduction to ethical and regulatory issues relating to the use of animal subjects in research. It includes a description of federal regulations governing how research with animal subjects should be conducted. Go back.