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This study category includes studies of tissue and blood samples. If samples are to be obtained from “extra” tissue obtained during standard of care procedures (extra tube of blood or piece of SOC biopsy) or if research staff will be drawing blood, no coverage analysis is needed. Please send an email to to indicate “No Epic billing”.

If you will need to use hospital phlebotomy services for blood draws, or may need to perform biopsies if no standard of care tissue is available, or will require archived tissue retrieval and preparation, you will need to complete a coverage analysis. Please refer to the chart below to determine which BCA worksheets are required for your study:

Who will pay for procedures and services listed in the protocol of your research study?

PayerDefinitionRequired BCA Worksheets
Bill to sponsor only.Procedures/Services are being done for research purposes only and all will be paid for by the research sponsor.

  • Instructions

  • Coverage Analysis

Bill to sponsor and patientʼs insurance.

BCA Fee Required: $2,000.00 (Except for Federally funded studies.)
Procedures/Services are being done for a mix of research and routine care purposes only.

This may include procedures/services which are done for research purposes or for routine purposes that are paid for by the sponsor or the patientʼs insurance.

  • Instructions

  • Deemed & Qualifying

  • Coverage Analysis

Bill to patientʼs insurance only.All procedures/services are routine care.

  • Instructions

  • Deemed & Qualifying

There is nothing to bill.Study team effort only, no billable procedures/services.BCA Worksheet completion is not required.

HELPFUL HINT: To avoid delay in obtaining account number, email “no Epic billing” and CRMS# to

Instructions worksheet is required. Enter the requested information. Protocol version number and date refer to the version itself (1, 1.2, etc) not the IRB or sponsor study number. If there is none specified, enter “n/a”.

Coverage Analysis worksheet is required if you have services billed through Epic to the study account.

CRMS & BCA Training and OnCore Training slides and detailed instructions for completing the BCA workbook can be found on Research Central Quick References:

For New Staff:

  • Research Administration:
    • Research Administration Handout
    • CRMS & BCA Training
    • OnCore Training Slides

Billing Coverage Analysis:

  • Billing Coverage Analysis Instructions
  • BCA on SharePoint