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Effective November 15, several updates have been released in RAMSeS with the key changes highlighted below. For additional information see the full 5.6 release notes.

F&A Sharing Section Removed from IPF

The F&A Sharing section has been removed from all IPFs. The new RAMses F&A Sharing Portal was made live on November 15. Read more about this change here.


Research Subjects – New “Other” Option

When Animal Subjects research is involved but is not being performed at UNC-CH or by subcontractors, a required “Other (please explain)” option, with a text box to provide details appears.


Automatic COI Grid for PCORI projects

COI disclosures will automatically be generated annually for Award Personnel on PCORI projects as appropriate.


“All Proposals” search option was restored.


If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs at or Sponsored Programs Office at

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