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GradStar Update and Processing Student Payments

Beginning August 2021, payments for student stipends, scholarships, fellowships, awards, or any other payments that directly benefit education-related expenses for undergraduate or graduate students will no longer be paid through Accounts Payable (AP) campus vouchers. These payments will be entered in GradStar, the University’s reporting system for all non-service fellowships, tuition, and fee awards given to a student. Several important points to note about this change are included below.

Scope of Effect

As defined in the Graduate School memo announcing this change, the following student payment types will move to being entered in GradStar on a semester basis and not via monthly AP campus vouchers.

  • fellowships and scholarships
  • training grants
  • awards for prizes and contests
  • research studies and internships including stipends
  • travel for the student’s academic benefit

2021 Summer and Fall Payments

The Finance and Operation’s memo notes that any student payments prior to August 2021 (summer) should be processed by AP campus vouchers. However, payments applicable for August 2021 (fall) and after must be processed after this rollout in GradStar.

More Info to Come

Guidance and resources, FAQs, and training will be available prior to this implementation in GradStar. At present, please reference the following for further details:

For questions on the impacts of this change for sponsored projects, please contact the Office of Sponsored Research at

For questions on this project and rollout, please contact project sponsor, Beverly Wyrick, Director of Finance and Administration, the Graduate School at

For questions on campus voucher payments, please contact

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