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New Process for Sponsored Project Notifications

The Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) in partnership with the Office of Research Information Systems (ORIS) and Information Technology Services (ITS) is pleased to announce a new process that will keep you informed on changes made to PS Project IDs and help improve your experience managing sponsored projects.

What are Sponsored Project Notifications?

Email notifications that occur when an action is taken on a PS Project ID in ConnectCarolina. After a new project is set-up or certain criteria of a project are modified, new email notifications will be sent to key project personnel and managers with an attachment detailing the new information or changes. Prior to golive in ConnectCarolina, these types of notifications were available in FRS and known as Fund Authorities.

OSR Project Notification Image


When will you start receiving these new Project Notifications?

Coming to your Inboxes in early August!


What action(s) will generate a Project Notification?

Newly Created PS Project ID

Email notification is sent when a new PS Project ID is created on a:

  • Funded Project
  • Project on a Financial Guarantee or Letter of Guarantee (LOG)

An email process exists for new project set-up, but better clarity as to what type of project (Prime or Subagreement) as well as more project details will be provided in these new notifications.

*NEW FEATURE* Change(s) made to a PS Project ID

Email notification is sent when these types of changes occur on a PS Project ID:

  • Change in Principal Investigator
  • Change in Budget (with some exceptions*)
  • Change in Project Dates

*In this initial release, budget information will not be available for clinical trials or interest and income projects, but this is a planned enhancement for future rollouts. More details along with FAQ to help you understand and know what to expect in these project notifications will be available soon on the OSR website.

Who will receive these Project Notifications?

  • Principal Investigators (Award and Project)
  • Award Primary Contact
  • PS Project ID Managers (Award and Project)

Before this new process is in effect, take the opportunity to review Backbone role permissions for your team members and ensure everyone who should be contacted with with these project notifications have the appropriate roles. Do you need help finding your department’s Backbone Role Manager? Review this guidance for assistance.

For questions about this announcements, please reach out to
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