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In conjunction with ITS and the Graduate School, the Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) has updated the guidance on the OSR Website for budgeting and charging graduate student fees.

Effective with this announcement, all graduate student fees* may be budgeted and charged on non-federal awards

*As a reminder, graduate student fees were categorized into two account codes to delineate the fees allowable on federal funding sources (chartfield source 49000). To pay all student fees, both account codes 568731 and 568732 must be used.

New Changes:

Impact to ConnectCarolina:

  • In keeping with current practice, awards with a chartfield source of 49000 (federal awards), will only allow fees to be expensed to account 568731
  • Fees in account 568732 may now be expensed to all other awards (non-federal)

Impact to GradStar:

  • When “Create Instate/Remission Awards” is clicked, rows will auto-generate with both 568731 and 568732 (if there are unallowable fees) and include pre-calculated fee amount(s) based on the designated percent allocation entered
  • The fee amount for each account code may not exceed the amount in the fee table or you will receive an ERROR message
  • Certain fields are now view only
  • Prevent deletion of row if journal or FA export completed OR export flag set to “N”

Guidance Reminders:

  • Graduate student fees may be escalated up to 5% (typical is 3%) or consult OSR Sponsored Projects Specialist or SPO Grants Analyst
  • Allowable fees on federal funding sources are exempt from Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs
  • Application of guidance on federal funding sources includes training grants
  • Guidance applies to all federal awards (training grants included)
  • Account Code for Student Fees Allowable on Federal funding sources: 568731
  • Account Code for Student Fees Unallowable on Federal funding sources: 568732

Questions about the mandate may be directed to Beverly Wyrick, Graduate School Director of Administration and Finance at (919) 962-6318 or

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