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Two teams selected as Creativity Hubs award winners

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research is pleased to announce the winners of the 2022-2023 competitive funding for the Creativity Hubs Pilot Award: Development of a Novel Platform Approach to Expand the Degradable Proteome led by Lindsey James and the Systems Science Hub: Youth Mental Health co-led by Samantha Schilling and Paul Lanier.

Research Funding

UNC-Chapel Hill receives $70 million NIH Grant to build upon a robust translational science environment

The Clinical and Translational Science Award from the NIH will accelerate high-impact research that improves human health and advances health equity by providing continued funding for the North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute, the academic hub of the CTSA program at the School of Medicine.

Dr. Liz Jalazo, seen here in a family photo, is at the heart of Carolina's concentrated research on Angelman syndrome. Her daughter Evelyn, now 8, (center of front row) was diagnosed with the rare disorder just before her first birthday.

Bench to bedside, Carolina leads study of Angelman syndrome

Research on the one defective gene that causes the rare autism-related disorder could lead to broader breakthroughs.

Lindsey James

Found in translation

The journey from lab bench to patient bedside can be demanding and difficult. UNC-Chapel Hill has the people, tools, and resources to translate research more effectively and efficiently.

A child holding peanuts in their hands

Novel peanut allergy treatment shown to be safe, effective, and lasting

A four-year clinical trial led by the School of Medicine’s Edwin Kim has found that an increased dosage of a unique type of peanut allergy immunotherapy continues to show promise for children.

Two researchers looking at a specimen in a lab.

New path to efficient solar energy found by Carolina chemists

Carolina researchers James Cahoon and Taylor Teitsworth show how silicon nanowires that can convert light into electricity were engineered to split water into hydrogen and oxygen in a paper published in Nature.

A detailed look into the amino acid bonds of opioid receptors bound to peptides.

Scientists take another step toward creating better pain medications

Led by graduate student Jeff DiBerto, the SOM lab of Bryan Roth teamed with scientists in China to publish detailed structures of the entire human opioid receptor family to guide the creation of more targeted pain medications.