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Update on System Error in KK budgets for Clinical Trials

October 18, 2017

During the months of July and August, budgets for some clinical trials were inadvertently impacted by fiscal year end transactions in the accrual ledger. As a result, there were unintended budget reductions and/or increases that occurred on these clinical trials. … Read more

Updated Policy and Procedure for Residual Fund Balances

October 18, 2017

Effective October 17, 2017, the Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) has an updated Policy and Procedure pertaining to residual fund balances on fixed price agreements. Effective with this updated policy, residual balances on sponsored projects will now be transferred to … Read more

New RAMSeS Personnel Role for Lead PI Changes

October 18, 2017

Effective October 18, 2017, an update to the RAMSeS Award Administration module will introduce a new personnel role called New Lead Principal Investigator (New Lead PI) and new data lock rules. The changes will help preserve historical data regarding the … Read more

Checking Payroll Suspense Chartfields

October 3, 2017

The Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) has noticed an increasing number of employees with payroll distributing to suspense in recent months. In the last biweekly or monthly payroll for September 2017, there were 749 employees with payroll that distributed to … Read more

Change in Project ID Set-Up Process

September 21, 2017

Effective Friday, September 22, the Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) will implement a change in process for setting up new Project IDs for sponsored projects that are not granted automatic carryover per award terms. Currently, sponsored projects with no automatic … Read more