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New RAM Tracker Transparency Dashboard

Proposal Dashboard

Research Award Management (RAM) Tracker was created to assist the Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) with day-to-day management of award requests by providing real-time visibility of transaction status in process. The RAM Tracker Transparency roll-out last year provided campus users access to the tool and to view individual RAM Tracker information via the Events tab.

A new enhancement is now available for RAM Tracker Transparency that includes a search interface allowing campus users assigned certain departmental roles in Backbone the ability to search for/view RAM Tracker transactions in those departments via a dashboard. With any of the roles listed below, users will now see a new navigation block on the RAMSeS homepage with a link for RAM Tracker Search.

Backbone Roles Needed

  • Role Manager
  • Award Data Access
  • IPF Approver
  • Proposal Date Access
  • PS Project ID Manager

Access requests for RAM Tracker Transparency may be assigned by the Backbone Role Manager for each department/unit.

RAM Tracker Search Guidance

Please reference the OSR Resources webpage for a guidance document that provides information on how to access the RAM Tracker Transparency dashboard and utilize the new search interface.

For questions concerning this announcement, please email For technical assistance with RAMSeS, please contact ORIS at 919-843-2594.

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