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Release of Science and Security Guidance

November 11, 2019

Collaborations are often the cornerstone of success in the research community and the University remains strongly committed to that idea by encouraging and supporting collaborative efforts worldwide. Concerns have been raised by Federal entities that certain international activities have begun … Read more

Cash Advance Documentation Update

October 16, 2019

The Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) has updated 500.14, Procedure 1 – Cash Advance Requests and Reconciliations to reflect that original documentation is no longer required for cash advance reconciliations charged to sponsored projects. OSR will accept electronic copies of … Read more

OSR Releases the Subagreement Initiation Portal (SIP)

October 16, 2019

The Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) is excited to release the Subagreement Initiation Portal (SIP), a web-portal consisting of several online forms required for requesting subagreement actions. SIP is a one-stop shop to Initiate a Subagreement, Amend an Existing Subagreement, … Read more

Second Session Now Available for OSR RAFTs

October 2, 2019

Due to overwhelming interest for the RAFTs on Wednesday, October 23, OSR is holding an additional session to cover the same topic/discussion on Tuesday, October 29. What are RAFTs? OSR RAFTs (Research Administration Forum and Training sessions) provide in-person training … Read more