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Now Live: New RAMSeS F&A Sharing Portal

November 16, 2022

Issue with Auto-Notification emails Please disregard any emails received November 16, 2022 with the subject line “F&A Sharing Agreement Required: Project ID, Lead PI” that were NOT affiliated with your department. During launch this morning, a system glitch occurred that … Read more

OSP Guidance on LMAR & One-Time Bonuses

November 11, 2022

The 2022 North Carolina State Budget provided an opportunity for UNC System campuses to implement Labor Market Adjustment Reserve (LMAR) increases for SHRA and EHRA Non-Faculty employees and discretionary, one-time bonuses for EHRA employees based on the 2021-2022 performance cycle. … Read more

2022 OSP Campus Satisfaction Survey

November 8, 2022

As part of continuous improvement efforts in the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), we are asking you to take a brief survey to inform us of your satisfaction with current processes and interactions with our office. Responses will be anonymous … Read more

Coming Soon: New RAMSeS F&A Sharing Portal

November 4, 2022

Effective November 15, the University will require that F&A sharing arrangements for externally funded collaborative projects be documented via the RAMSeS F&A Sharing Portal. This new tool will be available in RAMSeS with the implementation of this new guidance. Operating … Read more

Reminder: New OSP Email Addresses

November 4, 2022

As a reminder, when the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) was renamed, email addresses were updated as well. To see descriptions for using each inbox, please reference the Contact Information on our website. New Emails ResAdminOSR is now OSRBilling  ➞ … Read more