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The Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) has updated 500.14, Procedure 1 – Cash Advance Requests and Reconciliations to reflect that original documentation is no longer required for cash advance reconciliations charged to sponsored projects. OSR will accept electronic copies of cash advance reconciliation documentation that are attached to the journal entry in ConnectCarolina. Please do not mail paper copies to OSR as the administering department is responsible for following University records management of the documentation.

Please ensure that sensitive information is redacted from the documentation in an appropriate manner. OSR will not approve journal entries that have attachments containing sensitive information.

Key Cash Advance Reconciliation Reminders:

  • Cash advances for domestic use must be reconciled within 60 days after receipt of the advance.
  • Cash advances for foreign use must be reconciled within 90 days after receipt of the advance, unless required sooner for reporting purposes.

Please direct any questions on this update to Ben Wright, Assistant Director, Audit and Financial Compliance, at

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