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The Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) is pleased to announce a two-part RAMSeS system enhancement. RAM Tracker Transparency and a new Attachments section in the RAMSeS Billing Tab will provide campus users access to additional research administration information. A summary of the enhancements are listed below and a detailed guide is available on the OSR website.

RAM Tracker Transparency

Research Award Management (RAM) Tracker system was created to assist OSR staff and leadership with day-to-day management of post-award transactions. It provides a means to document and track actions in real-time as they move through OSR workflow. The RAM Tracker Transparency enhancement enables campus users with access to Proposals and/or Awards in RAMSeS to view key RAM Tracker information via the Events tab on the Proposal Routing Status and Project Administration screens. Access requests to these screens may be assigned by the Backbone Role Manager for each department/unit.

Key fields available with Ram Tracker views include:

  • Routing Information
    • Current Owner
    • Responsible Sponsored Projects Specialist
  • Current Status and Status History
  • Transaction Details
    • Type and Subtype
    • Pending Reviews
  • Budget Dates and Amounts
  • Subrecipient Information
  • Notes

RAMSeS Billing Tab Attachments

Effective with invoices and financial reports submitted to sponsors beginning in Fiscal Year 2017, this enhancement allows users access to these documents in the new Attachments section of the RAMSeS Billing Tab.

  • Invoices and financial reports from Fiscal Year 2017 to May 21, 2018 will be uploaded as an “Archive Invoice and Financial Report.”
  • Invoices and financial reports submitted on May 22, 2018 and onward will be uploaded under one of the following attachment types: Interim Invoice, Final Invoice, Interim Financial Report, Final Financial Report.

For questions regarding an invoice or financial report and any feedback or assistance needed on this enhancement, please email

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