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How to Network When You Don’t Have a Network

Fact: studies show that up to 85% of jobs are filled through networking and referrals. But what happens if you don’t have a network, or the only people you know are academics? This interactive workshop will show you how to … Read more

Postdoc Language Cafe

The Gathering Place 157 Rosemary St 2nd Floor, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

  It is time to sign up for the October Language Café! This time discussions will be themed around hobbies, so we can explore our interests in literature, arts and music. Join us for some enriching discussions!   Event Details … Read more

Maximizing Your Research Impact

The Maximizing Your Research Impact workshop will provide a series of strategies to help ensure your published research reaches a wide audience, including choosing a target journal, writing a plain language summary of a study, optimizing abstract writing for database … Read more

PARE Awards

Koury Oral Health Science Building, Room G411 385 S Columbia St, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Each year, the Postdoctoral Awards for Research Excellence (PARE) are given in recognition of the research promise demonstrated by individual postdoctoral scholars. The awards are open to postdoctoral scholars in all disciplines and are designed to assist postdoctoral scholars in their continued … Read more

Postdoc Immigration Advisor Cafe (with ISSS)

FedEx Global Education Center - Room 1009 301 Pittsboro Street, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) invites any postdoc with immigration or visa-related questions to drop by the FedEx Global Education Center (Room 4003) on Tuesday October 31st. Call in any time between 9:00-10:00AM to grab a free coffee and informally chat with … Read more

Postdoc Research Café | Perovskite – The Wonder Crystal

TRU Deli Sandwich and Wine Bar in Chapel Hill

Perovskite is a rocky mineral that was discovered in the Ural Mountains of Russia in 1839. Since then, scientists have discovered that these mineral crystals are photosensitive semiconductors, meaning they can conduct electricity with little resistance! Join us for this … Read more

Knowing Your Worth: How to Approach Negotiations in Academia

In this webinar, Dr. Flores and Dr. Olcott will discuss how to negotiate salaries, leave, and other elements of employment at an academic institution. They will consider how to assess academics' leverage, what elements might constrain possibilities for obtaining a … Read more

Fulbright Awards and Scholarships Q&A

FedEx Global Education Center - Room 1009 301 Pittsboro Street, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Fulbright offers a variety of awards and scholarships for U.S. postdocs and graduate students to conduct research and study abroad. On November 6th, from 10:00-11:00 AM, UNC will be hosting Julie Taylor, who is the Director of Academic Relations-Fulbright at … Read more

How to Identify New Career Fields Where You’ll Thrive

You’ve heard that PhDs can be happy in a nonacademic career, but will YOU be happy? How can you find a career that will be intellectually engaging, rewarding, and challenging? Join Beyond the Professoriate to learn how you can find a … Read more

North Carolina Master’s and Doctoral Career Fair

Join six universities for the 23rd annual NC master’s & doctoral career fair that’s attended by more than 400 advanced degree candidates and alumni, and postdocs in all disciplines who have two years or less to completion of their Master’s … Read more