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Inequality Amplifies African Americans’ COVID-19 Risk

May 14, 2020

Recent data shows that minorities are more at risk for contracting COVID-19 and experiencing poor health outcomes. To understand this, Kia Caldwell — a professor in the Department of African, African American, and Diaspora studies — explores how racial disparities, social determinants of health, and health policy determine pandemic outcomes.

Broadband Providers Adjust as Internet Use Spikes Under COVID-19

May 12, 2020

From mid-February to early April, as U.S. jobs and schooling moved online, daily internet usage per household increased by 31 percent. UNC economics professor Jonathan Williams studies how providers have handled this flux and how different demographics have adapted to these education and work transitions.

UNC and NASA Study COVID-19, Protein Correlation

May 8, 2020

UNC biochemist and age researcher Jonathan Schisler is part of the Coronavirus International Research Team, an interdisciplinary research working group formed by NASA to analyze COVID-19 data to address different aspects of the virus.

During a Pandemic, Strong Public Policy Can Save Lives

May 5, 2020

Benjamin Mason Meier is analyzing policies across the globe that are being implemented to halt the spread of COVID-19. He wants to understand what powers governments have to prevent the disease and what policies are working in the disease response.