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Dear UNC Research Community,

We are excited to announce the release of the newly developed Researcher Separation Manual. This comprehensive resource has been assembled by the UNC Research Administrative Units to support researchers in settling research activities and resolving administrative and financial matters as they depart UNC-Chapel Hill.

The new manual updates and replaces the 2018 Researcher/Faculty Separation Checklist, offering detailed, step-by-step directions to ensure a smooth transition of research activities. While the intended audience of the manual is researchers, it will also serve as a communication medium, fostering teamwork and synchronization among all parties involved in the separation process.

The manual is available on the websites of UNC Research Compliance Services and Office of Sponsored Programs, and its release will be broadly communicated across the research community. To access the Research Faculty Separation Guide, please click on the provided link:

Thank you for your attention, and we trust that this guide will be a valuable resource in facilitating an efficient separation process.

Best regards,

UNC Research Compliance Services

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