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A message to the research community on research compliance

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently announced the rollout of a new Data Management and Sharing Policy which requires all proposals submitted to NIH after January 25, 2023, to include a data management and sharing (DMS) plan. The requirement applies to all scientific data that is generated by research funded (or conducted) in whole (or part) by the NIH and will require faculty to have a data management plan in place for sharing the results of their research.

These plans should maximize appropriate sharing, while acknowledging justifiable ethical, legal, and technical limitations. The NIH has provided detailed instructions on writing and submitting data management plans and we will soon be providing Carolina-specific instructions as well.

What you need to know:

The Office of the Vice Chancellor has assembled a cross-campus team of experts to plan for the support and implementation of this policy. This team is working to develop a web-based repository of tools and resources to help ease compliance and adoption and plans to launch this website in October well ahead of the policy’s effective date.

Further clarification and information will be provided in the coming weeks. If you would like more information in the meantime, we encourage you to attend the Diving Deeper into the New NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy, hosted by the NIH on September 22nd, from 1:30-3:00 p.m. A recording will also be made available after the event for those who register.

Any further questions may be sent to:
Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Andy Johns,

This message is sponsored by: Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research

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