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Revisions to Project Personnel

Section 2 of the IRBIS application has been revised to more clearly distinguish UNC staff from UNC Network Entity or Affiliate staff, and to separate staff from external institutions and independent investigators into distinct sections under the personnel tab.  Effective July 12, the project personnel section will require newly added non-UNC (external) staff to be assigned to an institution, or identified as an independent investigator.  Existing applications will be required to assign any staff with undetermined affiliations to an appropriate network entity or external institution at the time of their next modification or renewal submission.   These updates are most relevant to investigators and research teams participating in multi-site research where UNC has been or will be acting as the lead IRB, which have or will require reliance agreements to be executed.   These updates are also necessary in preparation for adhering to the new NIH single IRB mandate effective January 2018.  Additional information regarding the NIH mandate and UNC IRBs efforts to prepare for sIRB reviews will be released in the coming months.  Please refer to the guidance document “External Institutions Training” for additional information and screenshots related to these revisions to the Project Personnel section of the IRBIS application.

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