IAAR CPPFD Spring Series
Sponsored by the Carolina Postdoctoral Program for Faculty Diversity & the Institute of African American Research
WEEK 1 | starting at 1:00 PM
Ganga Bey | Wed, Jan. 27
2020-2022, Department of Epidemiology
The Identity Vitality-Pathology Theory of Health Disparities: Identity Influences on Psychosocial Traits, Biologic Age, & Cardiovascular Disease
Ana María Silva Campo | Wed, Jan. 27
2019-2021, Department of History
Unpleasant Smells and the Making of Environmental Racism in 17th-Century Cartagena de Indias
Deshira Wallace | Wed, Jan. 27
2019-2021, Department of Health Behavior
Deconstructing Latinidad: Examining Afro-descendent Health in the Americas
Kimberly Jenkins | Fri, Jan. 29
2020-2022, Department of Allied Health Sciences
Internal and External Factors & Children’s Second Language Acquisition
Kerrel Murray | Fri, Jan. 29
2019-2021, School of Law
Populist Prosecutorial Nullification
Senay Yitbarek | Fri, Jan. 29
2020-2022, Department of Biology
Space: The Final Ecological Frontier
WEEK 2 | starting at 1:00 PM
Sean Matharoo | Wed, Feb. 3
2020-2022, Department of Romance Studies
Energy Aesthetics
Julian Rucker | Wed, Feb. 3
2020-2022, Department of Psychology & Neuroscience
Structurally Unjust: Lay Beliefs about Racism & Responses to Racial Inequality in Criminal Justice
Maria Gutierrez | Fri, Feb. 5
2020-2022, Department of Allied Health Sciences
Juchari Anapu Jimpo! Decolonization and Language Reclamation in a P’urhépecha Community of Michoacán, Mexico
Musa Manga | Fri, Feb. 5
2020-2022, Department of Environmental & Engineering Sciences
Unveiling the Relative Pathogen Releases Associated with Sanitation Technologies in Tamil Nadu, India
Karen Sheffield-Abdullah | Fri, Feb. 5
2019-2021, School of Nursing
African American Women’s Experiences of Stress During the Perinatal Period & Associations Among Psychological Distress & Mindfulness, Self-compassion & Self-care