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Carolina faculty members who have been elected members of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences:

Ralph Baric, PhD (elected 2022)

William R. Kenan Distinguished Professor, Epidemiology

Frank R. Baumgartner, PhD (elected 2017)

Richard J. Richardson Distinguished Professor, Political Science

Kerry S. Bloom, PhD (elected 2013)

Thad L. Beyle Distinguished Professor, Biology

Bernard R. Boxill, PhD (elected 2018)

Professor Emeritus, Philosophy (retired)

Maurice Brookhart, PhD (elected 1996)

William Rand Kenan Jr. Distinguished Professor, Chemistry

Christopher Browning, PhD (elected 2006)

Frank Porter Graham Distinguished Professor, History

Keith Burridge, PhD (elected 2016)

Kenan Distinguished Professor, Cell Biology and Physiology

Blossom A. Damania, PhD (elected 2020)

Boshamer Distinguished Professor, Microbiology and Immunology
Vice Dean for Research, School of Medicine

Joseph DeSimone, PhD (elected 2005)

Chancellor’s Eminent Professor, Chemistry; William R. Kenan Jr. Professor, Chemical Engineering, NC State University; Adjunct Member, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

Glen H. Elder Jr., PhD (elected 1988)

Howard W. Odum Distinguished Professor, Sociology

Carl William Ernst, PhD (elected 2009)

William R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor, Religious Studies

Ernesto Arturo Escobar, PhD (elected 2021)

Kenan Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Anthropology

Henry Fuchs, PhD (elected 1997)

Federico Gil Professor, Computer Science

Virginia Gray, PhD (elected 2022)

Robert Watson Winston Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Political Science

Jack Griffith, PhD (elected 2005)

Kenan Distinguished Professor, Microbiology and Immunology

Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, PhD (elected 2011)

Julia Cherry Spruill Professor, History
Director, Southern Oral History Program

Kathleen Mullan Harris, PhD (elected 2019)

James E. Haar Distinguished Professor, Sociology

Thomas English Hill Jr., PhD (elected 2003)

Kenan Professor, Philosophy

Clyde A. Hutchison III, PhD (elected 1998)

Kenan Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Microbiology and Immunology (retired)

James W. Jorgenson, PhD (elected 2007)

William Rand Kenan Jr. Professor, Chemistry

Joel G. Kingsolver, PhD (elected 2016)

Kenan Distinguished Professor, Biology

William E. Leuchtenburg, PhD (elected 1977)

William R. Kenan Jr. Professor Emeritus, History (retired)

Jodi Magness, PhD (elected 2019)

Kenan Distinguished Professor, Religious Studies

Terry R. Magnuson, PhD (elected 2007)

Kay M. & Van L. Weatherspoon Eminent Distinguished Professor, Genetics

Thomas J. Meyer, PhD (elected 1994)

Arey Distinguished Professor, Chemistry

James C. Moeser, DMA (elected 2007)

Chancellor Emeritus (retired)

James Peacock, PhD (elected 1995)

Kenan Professor, Anthropology
Professor, Comparative Literature

Louis Pérez, Jr., PhD (elected 2008)

J. Carlyle Sitterson Professor, History

Bryan L. Roth, PhD (elected 2019)

Michael Hooker Distinguished Professor, Pharmacology

Edward D. Salmon, PhD (elected 2006)

James Larkin and Iona Mae Ballou Distinguished Professor, Biology

Aziz Sancar, PhD, MD (elected 2004)

Sarah Graham Kenan Distinguished Professor, Biochemistry and Biophysics

Alan Shapiro, PhD (elected 2003)

William R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Professor, English

James A. Stimson, PhD (elected 2000)

Raymond Dawson Professor, Political Science

Michael E. Taylor, PhD (elected 2007)

William R. Kenan Jr. Professor, Mathematics

Jenny Ting, PhD (elected 2022)

Distinguished Professor, Genetics and Microbiology and Immunology

Gerhard Weinberg, PhD (elected 1996)

William R. Kenan Jr. Professor Emeritus, History (retired)

Susan Wolf, PhD (elected 1999)

Edna J. Koury Professor, Philosophy

Richard V. Wolfenden, PhD (elected 2002)

Alumni Distinguished Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry and Biophysics