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Prior to initiating an IRB application, new researchers are expected to complete an introductory online course in human research ethics, as well as to familiarize themselves with the IRB submission and review process.  Please follow the links below to the relevant webpages:

Required Ethics Training: includes course information and links to the required CITI Human Research Ethics online training course, and UNC’s training data base; UNC’s policy on human research ethics training and certification; and FAQs.

Review Process Overviewcontains brief descriptions of the types of IRB review; the typical timeframe for IRB application submission and review; how IRB decisions are communicated; the approval period; and post-approval submission and review procedures.

Review Process FAQ: provides guidance on how to determine whether research requires IRB review; what first steps to take in applying to the IRB; data gathering requirements; whether informed consent may be needed; and the IRB submission and review process.